
A lot has happened ladies and gentlemen, since the last I posted. First and formost, I'd like to apologize to the few people who may read this, I'll try to post more but I am really lazy, so my bad.
I am in the midst of writing two papers for English class due tommorrow. One is 3 pages, the other1 and a half pages. You may be wondering why I am choosing to write this journal right now over starting to type. The answer is I don't know. I guess i just don't have my priorities straight, or maybe I think I'm going to be up all night anyway so it doesn't matter what order I go in.
I guess there are some things I really need to ponder over. A lot of stuff is going through my head that I don't think I am going to write. But the weird thing is, I'm on the verge of gaining a good deal of friends. Yet, I feel myself kind of pushing away from them. one side of me says that I'm just afraid of people altogether. I don't fully agree with that, but even so, I am not very social even with my good friends. Another part of me feels that maybe I'm just trying to hold on to what I had in High School. That theory is kind of odd in that I really don't feel I had much going for me in High School. What I really feel is that I'm afraid that any friend I make here won't live up to the way my friends back home are. I don't know.
That gives me a thought. When I lived in Royal Oak I was neighbors with a couple of jerks. I kinda want to go meet them and see what they are like now. Plus i want to see my old house again. Its sad that most people only dwell on the past. Well poor poor me.

Song: "Ignorance"-Desireing Dead Flesh