
Well shit, looks like we got ourselves a monkey's uncle.
I think i might have to quit this website. As it turns out, I'm no good at keeping ti updated, imagine that. Although, i'm gonna keep writing journals somehow else, haven't quite figured that out yet. I'll try to keep ya posted.
I just had a spectacular weekend by the way, I tell you what, I haven't ever seen as many movies in a weekend as I did this weekend. I think I saw 6 or maybe seven. Yes, it was because of the film festival mind you. Nobody decided they wanted to come up and enjoy fine foreign cinema with me, as expected, but I enjoyed the movies by myself regardless. All who didn't come to the festival, your loss, all the movies were spectacular. Boy do I feel special now.
Little bit of school news. I will; officially be coming back for summer break after the first week of May. I would be back earlier except that I will by performing the Jungle Book for elementary schools around the state. I got 2 big bad ass A's a few of my english papers so shove that up your butts St. Johns English Department. It seems like grades are beginning to go my way at just the right time. Oh yeah, I've got some mean tennis skills now so bring it on anybody.
I've slowly but surely been getting better and better at Halo as well, so I think I'll be able to keep up with the big boys this summer. You know what, I think I'm going to stay up tonight and watch the Godfather, I never got to it this weekend. Listen to this boys and girls, have I ever sounded this upbeat in my entire life? Speakin of girls, i ain't got one right now, and its too late to look, but I actually feel right now like i could get me one, oh boy. I feel just like Brak.

Song: "Damn I'm Good"-Betty in Black