
Is there a difference between procrastination and laziness? the answer is a resounding hell yes! Procrastination is different for two reasons. Procrastination is said with the intent on that you are definatly going to do it. Lazyness is , "eh, either way". Procrastination is also most commonly used in the past tense. I hate doing things therefore I am very fucking lazy.

The days keep creeping closer til I leave this cursed city. Sure I've made some good friends in my stay in St. Johns, but truely this city has brought out the worst in me. As each day passes i continue to get up earlier and earlier, yeah, it sucks. Today was quite a standard. A whole lot of nothing with food squeezed in. Sometimes i have to wonder, since i do nothing everyday, do my friends care or ever begin to miss me? Anywho, i also went to Sable Point for dinner today, I'm glad i quit that place. I can't think of a thing i'd rather do less.

Have you ever felt like someone is watching you? I do all the time, can you tell me who it is? A lot of my dreams lately have had the same person in every dream, its kinda weird. It could be a good thing but with my luck it is probly bad. I don't know what the fuck I am doing. I shouldn't be pissed at anything, yet the fact remains that i am. The fact that I don't know what I'm pissed at pisses me off even more. Fuck mee, rap sucks.

Song: "Aliens Exist"-Blink 182