
School rules! Man, I can't wait to start learning again. Thank God for the creation of schooling and education. Humankind would be so wated without it. Who doesn't love 7hr days, boring shit, pissy teacher....**$@!@!?$#@*_!$%&%#$#. *thump*thump* Sorry bout that, School Sucks. (T-minus 4 days.)

i always know a bad day is going to start whenever i have to wake up before 8. i like alter serving but come on, * in the morning? I called one of my roommates today. Sounds cool, but I have to be skeptical. There is probly no one out there ready to meet me. I'm fairly confident i won't make any friends. Which is why I will try to concentrate on losing weight. The first step is to drink lots of water and flush out my system periodically. The next step is to fake being a vegetarian. Then after i will try to set up my own workout regimen, possibly becoming the greatest racketball player ever. lastly I will attempt to cut altogether food intake. That is exactly how fat ass D will become buff skinny D. Oh yeah, I had that family gathering today. Fuck them, I'd rather have gone to Warped tour.

Sometimes i wish I was fucked up in the head. I feel it may make me somewhat interesting. Plus it would give me something to truely be pissed about. Not to mention it would put me on par with some people I know. Seems like a disadvantage not to be fucked up. There truely is nothing negative about it. I almost thought I had a reason to be happy, guess i havn't been around my "friends" enough.

Song: "Take Control"-Weezer