
I could get used to CMU if I hang out with Jeremy all the time. Unfortunatly, being the self-psychologist that I am, it won't, nay it shouldn't happen. For one he'll lose interest in my company, and two, some other of my "friends" may also lose patience with me. Somedays I wish I could change the way I conduct myself, but I guess that shit will always happen to me.

Fortunatly I get to go home tommorrow! Not so much for family reasons but more for the people I have sorely missed up here. Which in some crazy way reminds me that I need to design myself a tatoo. I really want to do my own, that way I can be truely bad ass. Alas I lack to total talent to complete such amazing ideas formed in my head. I guess I could give some sort of vision to P. Kelly, he could make it look sweet.

My roommate isn't here right now, I haven't really seen him all day, thank God. He isn't an overly bad guy, but shit man, he talks a lot. I hate it, whenever I'm in the middle of something, he tries to fuckin start a conversation. This may get interesting. I'll keep you posted, I expect some shit to go down near the end of the semester.

I can't help but think of our universe from time to time. Like, are we the only ones out there? I gotta believe we're not, but there is no conclusive evidence that supports otherwise. I find it very hard to believe that out of the vastness of the universe, we are the only forms of intellegent life. I hope this world finds out, it may answer a lot of questions. Like, where did my lunch go today?

Song: "Dysentary Gary"-Blink 182