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B.S.M. Lyrics!
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May Not Rise

tomorrow may not rise if your life is what you compramise lets shed a light on each others face to see the reason our lives are not to waste

now, in my dreams i can see clearly what it means to you, really i don’t know what i am doing here. but when, i see your smile bitter-sweet, few hundred miles is what keeps me sane

and i won’t wait, another hour, sitting alone, acting sour cause when i dream, it’s me and you, nobody else, to talk to

one.... more chance to turn around, your time is now don’t think that your fading one.....more chance so make it last, life flies fast, beleive it gets better

a night to remember, a night to regret a night to lookback, to never forget

try to focus on the good and not always on the bad what the futre holds can be changed by what you do never looking back or forward just live your life today from now on fill your heart with happieness, i never want to hear you say

it’s too late, it’s too long it’s too much, it’s seems wrong



Look into our eyes, soon you'll see The never ending youth and the way it'll always be. Becoming stronger everyday.

I hate the way you think, I hate the words you say, Priorities mis-matched, bad decisions everyday. Wake up now 'cause soon you'll pay.

All of your plans have seemed to unfurl, soon enough you'll try to take the whole world. Nothing you do or say can change my life today, it'll take more than smile on your face.

The flame it is dieing, the spark is no more, What once was ours now must be faught for. Forgetting all the lies you say.

Getting all the votes, You're playing people's man, Old enough to die happy the truth'll never be your fan. Can you promise a lighter day.

All of your plans have seemed to unfurl, soon enough you'll try to take the whole world. Nothing you do or say can change my life today, it'll take more than smile on your face.

So long, to your power and anger, Today is our day, yesturday is over. Suddenly the future becomes ours.

All of your plans have seemed to unfurl, soon enough you'll try to take the whole world. Nothing you do or say can change my life today, it'll take more than smile on your face.


You Be the Judge

Motivation has lost its grip, It depletes after every trip. My friends are mad and my mom's pissed too, Why can't I just sleep here with you?

My wallet seems as dry as my mouth I try to spit but nothing comes out, Here I lie the morning after... Dazed and confused no thanks to you.

Far away from here, Is where I want to go. Somewhere where nobody fears Is where I want to go.

I want you to take me; I want to hear those words out of your mouth. I just want to break free; I want to hear those today.

So my conscience starts to slip, No 3rd chance; can't ask for it. So surreal like out of a dream, My last words scream: "Please help me!"

My wallet seems as dry as my mouth I try to spit but nothing comes out, Here I lie 5 long years later messed up and gone insane

So take me with you there, Because I want to go. A place where someone cares, Is where I want to go.

I want you to take me; I want to hear those words out of your mouth. I just want to break free; I want to hear those today.


Razor's Kiss

I watch the time tick by waiting for that sign that i’ve wished for time and time again. glance down at my wrist the invisible scar left from the lips of a razor’s kiss. i cannot fathom this happening to you.

So i’ll just wait here and try not to remember how it was once in a perfect world. In a perfect life i’d be better write to you a thousand letters. Of all the thoughts and dreams of my past.

Truth is that i never told the secrets of being strong underneath this thin armor. I would never dishonor all that I am cause thats all i’ve ever known. But still you pull me in with some sick psycotic smile.

feels like im running on a never ending track that could only lead to nowhere yet i continue on this back street path that i’ve beaten down on my self time and time again.

its come down to this unknown what to do like two fists in front of me which do i choose this fifty-fifty fortune lies in my hands


Unexpected you fell through to the night, The road it took your life but your spirit was left behind. No one foresaw this tragedy take place, We will keep you near, you'll never leave our minds

We've laughed together and its together 'till the end, All the memories will last and those I will depend. On keeping me up when I feel down (up when I'm down) On keeping me up when I feel down (up when I'm down)

Triumphantly your presence it is felt like a hand on my shoulder, never shall I fear. No need to scorn these life card you where dealt, Youre place it is better now our hearts will keep you near.

We've laughed together and its together 'till the end, All the memories will last and those I will depend. On keeping me up when I feel down (up when I'm down) On keeping me up when I feel down (up when I'm down)

I can't recall another time when I've felt like this, And I've never been this close to you than this moment. The time of past can't measure up to how much you're missed, And i cannot feel and I cannot heal your pain but...

We've laughed together and its together 'till the end, All the memories will last and those I will depend. On keeping me up when I feel down (up when I'm down) On keeping me up when I feel down (up when I'm down)


Legends & Heroes

i want to write the perfect song, to be remembered for so long perfection seems so far away, i just can’t wait another day when i think about our time i often gaze into the sky may heros always be remembered but their legends never die

people come and people go, who dies next you’ll never know best not to think about the pain but all the lives that still remain

never thinking of the past, my life fly’s by way too fast i can’t remember all the laughs, never really made it last

people come and people go, who dies next you’ll never know best not to think about the pain but all the lives that still remain

so if you are out and happen to see, me in the distance all ya gotta do is scream just scream a little louder so i’ll no its you scream a little louder so i know its you



i will be there for your fall, your innocence is anything but a walking time bomb waiting to explode.

masking your fear with nervous laughter, knowing your near the end trying to find a friends you haven’t betraied

and all the lights go out tonight and all the lights go out tonight

see how hard it is to crawl back to reality, when your soul is sinking into conformaty you are drowning in your own pool of lies, hell has open arms for your kind


The Rescue

walking alone at night he never seems to find the light don’t we see this kid all the time nobody questions but everyone pretends

to not look, not notice, the empty soul that passes us well i’ve had it, can’t stand it to see this boy proceed just surprize me

i will rescue the heart i see in you even if it seems your threw

hold your head high you think its hard but you never try that makes me wonder why

fuck habit, you had it; all inside your palm hidden your, lifestyle for, a few moments in the clouds tell me now are you proud


Stains of Blood (Only Ashes Remain)

never wanted this to be my simple sacrafice. Around my neck it is burning. Toss a spark from your heart, ignite the flames. Can’t pretend like it’s not hapening. What - once - was - lost! Cannot be found, still i see you look around. Be-neath-the-past. And soon to be a modern day matserpiece.


And its not that i’ll miss you all that much its just the way that we have lost touch you ripped my soul out, stamped it in the dirt the stains of blood still remain on my shirt

i remember the day you walked away i was left on the outside not a thing was there to break my fall stright to the ground with no guide my- life’s- not -a toy for you to play with the small pieces you might swallow So I - Hope - You - Choke cause i wont be the one to aid you