Pages for all of my bands and ex-bands. Including a Garfield page!
My thoughts on the world, on my life and other shit...
Decline Records
F.O.D. Zine
Mondo Bizarro
Some, er, humour
Anti-capitalism and freedom
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17/5/03 - Hey, just a note to say that Garfield have split up (about a month ago in fact) and that there will be obviously no recording/gigging with them this summer. Thanks to David, Ryan and Kris for being cool tho, and giving me a shitload of hope back in the dark months of winter.
I've been in bands constantly since late 2001 (I think I've been in 7 different bands) and when no one else could be bothered speaking to me, I had my own acoustic project, called Thrashspey. But you know about that. The rise of the middle-class rejected despair of emo (as opposed to the tired, manic despair of depression), and some laughably pretentious lyrics have ensured that I won't start Thrashspey again. So what now? I suppose I'll exist as a structure of atoms and nothing else. I would love to be in a band, but then again...fuck it.Some may argue that: if you dont want people seeing what you said, you shouldnt put it on the internet but they can piss off. The whole last half of last year was spent typing in codes and data to this website, the links to this site were restricted to punk webrings and google. The dicks wouldnt have seen my site if it wasnt for my esteemed friend. "So I've been cheated again, by someone who calls them my friend" - Flite. The Gutwrench.)
Emotion-wise, I'm feeling a lot more better. I've made a huge effort to become and stay positive and it's worked. I now have about 5 or 6 best friends (to varying degrees) but despite this, I've found myself thinking I can't discuss my problems with any of them in all honesty. I'm becoming more political, more creative as a writer of fiction, less I'll-stay-in-my-room-and-hope-someone-calls-for-me and more active, and more into skateboarding! Eh? I'm broadening my mind - yesterday I listened to Jimmyeatworld, then Assert, then the Freeze! I'm growing older by the day but still remaining childish and, in a way, anarchist. This website is now Dead In The Water - look at my old band profiles and stuff by all means, but don't expect a huge personal homepage anymore. I'm looking forward to the summer, to getting the Standard Grade exams over with, to travelling south (and east and west) and finally escaping my mental prison and becoming happy, positive and proactive. Thank you. I am still at and still open to advice on depression, advice on older bands for all you emo kids, discussions, facelift coupons and marriage proposals. And just a 'hey there' back. Go for it - life is not a dress rehearsal - carpe diem. Apocalypse dudes! Bry Leech. SEND ALL FEEDBACK/COMMENTS TO THE WEB-BASTARD AT THE ADDRESS BELOW!