Finally vacation is here, I'm going to be dying by the time Spring vacation comes around! Hope everyone had an exciting christmas and got whatever they wished for (unlike something ms.paulin would say) and i hope you have a wonderful new year! and hey, kiss someone at midnight! (preferebly a stranger, it makes it more exciting) lol.
Olvera St.
Oh my goodness, today was so fun! It was our Olvera St. Spanish-Class field trip. I had so many good times and I can't wait to get my pictures back! On the ride home I listened to "Good Riddance" (Green Day) on Alissa's IPOD and I almost broke into tears! I am going to miss all of my friends so frickin much! I love you guys, homies forever (shoutout to Alissa lol)
Damn it!
I'm sick again, and its going to be really hard getting through this week with a runny nose! Got to go do some crap, More comments soon. You know you love my snot. Sara.
Yup, the cops came to Dylan's Party, but it was really fun! However, I saw Benny's a$$ way to much! To add to that, my cell phone is a vibrating slut. lol. Stephen, I want to know where it was when you and it were missing! Anyways, talk to you soon ppls. Until then, party hard, cheese whip, and don't get caught with your pants down. (I have no idea where that just came from)
Long Time, No see!
I haven't been here in a while. Neither have a lot of people unfortunately. How is everyone?! My punk sight is not very successful. I might change the theme again. lol. Edward Furlong maybe? lol. Its a possibility. Ok, talk to you later. My new email is k?
Well, the party(s) were a success. Next year I think Stephen, Marissa and I should just have one big party! lol. Anyways, It is b4 school and I am so tired!! Ttyl. PS. The 8 grade sight is now a punk music sight
Yes I have not been at school for like uh 2 days but I am not feelin' good. Anyways, I think I am going to go to the movies this Saturday if they are showing school of rock! Oh yah! Back in Black! lol. Ok. I am delerious. g2g.
Sign the fricking guest book!!! lol. How come no one visits my website? God I am bored and tired but scared as well. There is a car parked in front of my house and it wont go away! lol. peice.
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Any entries that coulnd't fit on this page have gone to different pages. (The first, top entry you read when seeing the page will be the latest, just look for the date posted) so if you are visiting this sight for the first time, or just want to read the entries that you missed, or maybe want to see if I have responded to your comments, click OLDER (There is link titled OLDER at the bottom of any page) and read from the bottom up! As long as the OLDER link as at the bottom, there are more pages to see! It will update you about things on the website! Thanks for visiting! To get back to the Latest page (with the most recent entries) click LATEST, it will be next to OLDER and another link called NEWER. NEWER is a link used if you are on a page with OLDER posts. Just click NEWER and get to the next page up. Not neccesarily the LATEST page, but one more recent. Questions? Email me or comment, I will get back to you.