Older, Newest, Latest
Any entries that coulnd't fit on this page have gone to different pages. (The first, top entry you read when seeing the page will be the latest, just look for the date posted) so if you are visiting this sight for the first time, or just want to read the entries that you missed, or maybe want to see if I have responded to your comments, click OLDER (There is link titled OLDER at the bottom of any page) and read from the bottom up! As long as the OLDER link as at the bottom, there are more pages to see! It will update you about things on the website! Thanks for visiting!
To get back to the Latest page (with the most recent entries) click LATEST, it will be next to OLDER and another link called NEWER. NEWER is a link used if you are on a page with OLDER posts. Just click NEWER and get to the next page up. Not neccesarily the LATEST page, but one more recent. Questions? Email me or comment, I will get back to you.