To bleed until the stars in the sky fade away To have my heart break a bit more each day To have my dreams carry you aloft To lie on my bed and cry soft To want my soul to soar once again with the birds To ache for nothing more but to hear your sweet words To sit all alone and ask myself 'why?' To try and stop the sun from rising in the sky To sleep and dream of you every single night To try and get the fire within you to re-ignite To desperately wish you were here at my side To try to hide the tears I shed on the inside To want nothing more than to melt under your soft touch To wonder why being with and without you has to hurt so much To stumble around, breathless and unable to see To know you are both the poison and the remedy To try to get back to the place where being with me was all you wanted to do To want these things I can no longer what it is to be in love with you