My Favorite things about Angelfire.
My Favorite Web Sites
REAL gc site!
official gc site!
cool gc site!
rele cool gc site!

Which of Benji's Tattoos Are You?

hey! your benji! your usually seen with your twin
brother, Joel, and you play guitar and sing
alittle bit. You own MADE with your brother.
you own cashdoggie!
What Good Charlotte Guy Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
hey all u ppl! wazzup??? This is Rach, and I just started 2 make this site, so it isn't good. BUT, when I get the chance,I will update. (As much as I can) so, 4 now, have fun! :-D
(and if u want to to take things, ASK ME ON AN EMAIL! pleeze? or i really will look up 4 the pics,and put stuff in ur guestbook! so DONT
And I give full credit 2 the sites i got my pics from! so DONT STEAL! But, thanx 4 visiting!)
Email: devildoll247@aol.com