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Pierre's Bio

Name: Pierre Charles Bouvier

Nickname: Popsicle Pete, Spicy Salmon, Sexy Boy

Date of birth: May, 9, 1979

Place of birth: Montreal

Instrument: Vocal Cords…he can also play Bass and guitar

Height: 5'11"

Eyes: Brown

Glasses or contacts: No

Hair color: Black

Piercings: None

Tattoos: He has an SP on his right ankle

Brothers/Sisters: 2 brothers Jay and Jonathan

Parents: Real and Louise

Fav. Color: Black and Blue

Fav. Number: 9

Why: My Birthday

Fav. Food: Sushi

Fav. Bands: Good Charlotte, The Beach Boys, Blink 182, New Found Glory

Fav. Movie: Back To The Future, The Matrix, American Beauty

Fav. TV show: Friends

Fav. Video game: Tony Hawk Pro Skater II

Fav. Book: 1984 by George Orwell and 1 to 4 Harry Potter books

Fav. Concert: NOFX, Face To Face, Ten Foot Pole, Trigger Happy - Montreal 1994 Edge Fest II Toronto: Blink-182, New Found Glory, Sum 41, Good Charlotte, Jimmy Eat World

Fav. Magazine: Victoria Secret's catalogue

Fav. Actor: Jim Carrey

Fav. Actress: Julia Roberts

Fav. Superhero: Wolverine

Guilty Pleasure: Ben and Jerry's chocolate chip cookies dough ice cream

Previous Job: Cook in a chicken restaurant

Ultimate place to live: Somewhere hot on the beach with big waves Pets: 4 dogs (Sunny, Misha, Zack, Zoe) and 1 fish (Fishy)…and he got another dog Molly in December 03’ with his girlfriend

Shoe size: 9

5 words to describe yourself: Everything a girl could want!!!

Now just describe yourself: Sweet, sexy, witty, romantic, funny…Perfect

Most embarrassing moment: Maybe the moment you read my last answer

Scariest Moment: Every time I turn the lights off before I go to bed

Best band moment: Next Thursday...sold out Opera house

Best/Craziest thing a fan ever done for you: Go on much music with a huge sign and harass a VJ 'til he put him on TV

Craziest thing you ever done: I ate a banana that wasn’t quite ripe...that was really crazy!! Wich animal would you want to be: a monkey, hey everybody loves monkeys!!

Weirdest word: sphincter

Stupid gift received: a box of condoms

Your perfect girl: Sweet, honest, thoughtful, bed, crazy but sweet with a big heart, blonde hair and blue eyes Biggest turn on/off: Girls with fashion/girls who don’t shower Mullet or Mohawk: Mohawk, mullets are sooo wack

English or French: both....Frenglish

Chocolate or vanilla ice cream: Chocolate vanilla twist

Having sex or making music: Making music while having sex

What do you really think of the guys: I think they all suck and they're all assholes. Lol just kidding. I can honestly say that they're my best friends

Sport to watch: Football

Boxers or briefs: Boxers

If you were a girl, which band member would you think is the hottest: Seb

When was the last time you lied: answering the next question

Do you have a girlfriend: I don’t know

Have you ever killed anyone: If no, who would you like to kill? If yes, who did you kill: no...Well..... Kind of.... but..... Uuuuum..... Never mind. Ever been toilet papering: What!?

Been drunk: Yes

Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi

Chocolate or vanilla ice cream: chocolate vanilla twist

Do you emails or telephone calls: E-mails W

hat can't you live without: Sex

Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O

Tell me a short joke: Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Who cares...

Blanket or Stuffed Animal: stuffed animal

Color of socks: white

Quote from a movie: allrighty then

Candy: raspberry lollipop

Day of the Week: Friday

Word or Phrase: fuck yeah

What do you think of Ouija boards: very real and very scary

Which single store would you choose to max your credit card: Wal-mart

What's your most embarrassing moment: every time I take my pants off.

Did you ever have really long hair, or a mullet: yes... long hair

Do you find it easier to pick up chicks when you talk French to them: I never tried it..... Maybe I should.

Tell us something no one knows about each band member: David talks to the devil in his sleep, Jeff is a flirt, chuck is really a woman , Seb has a huge dick…and were all gay!

Say something nice to us in French: Quand je regarde dans tes yeux, c'est comme voir pour la premiere fois la pleine lune qui reflete sur l'ocean comme une infinite de petites etoiles filantes....

Favorite cheese: cheddar

Most Embarrassing stage moment: in my first band.... we were playing a song and we screwed it up so bad that we had to stop and start over again

Favorite holiday: Christmas

What is your favorite song to perform: depends on my mood...probably addicted

What's the best part of being in Simple Plan: playing shows where you know the crowd is loving it and is going nuts! And meeting the fans too. Do you think you’re a good singer: I’m ok, I think I can sing my songs well but I don’t think I'm amazing..... I still take lessons when I can cause I still have a lot to learn.

Which High school did you go to: College Beaubios

Fav. Clothing company: Role Model

Fav. Skateboard company: Zero

Fav. Skateboarder: Rodney Mullen

Winter or summer: Summer

Fav. Sport: Snowboarding

Fav. Fast Food: Taco Bell

Sleeping or awake: Sleeping

Speedo or bathing suit: Speedo... definitely..... it just feels so snug!

Have you ever wore women’s clothes: Yes

Most embarrassing moment: Being caught wearing women’s panties

Girls or guys: Girls rule the world

Fav. Animal: Britney Spears

Fav. Cartoon: The Simpson’s... I know.... Cliché..... but what can I say.... it's funny because it's true

Fav. Restaurant: St Hubert Barbecue!

Fav. Alcohol: Jack Daniels

What’s the weirdest thing you have done when you were bored: Jerking off while driving a delivery truck

If you could play Twister with anyone who would it be: Mini-Me because I would win for sure