Name: Janet
Birthplace: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Current Location: Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Age: 11 (turning 12 SOON!!)
Birthdate: Aug 28th
Culture: Chinese Canadian
Hair Colour: Black (dyed it brown)
Eye Colour: Brown
Piercings: Not yet...
Tatoo: Soon...very soon..
Hobbies: sports, computer, getting annoyed with my bro, watching TV and movies =)
Favourite Colours: Black and blue (most cooliest colours on the planet!!)
Favourite Places: Canada, Hong Kong, England...a lot
Favourite Singers/Bands: Simple Plan, Eminem, Nelly, Good Charlotte, Gob, Sum 41 and Treble Charger
Favourite Subjects: Writing and PE
Least Favourite Subjects: Math, Socials Studies, Science (they all suck!!)
Favourite Actors/Actress: Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston, Orlando Bloom and Kate Hudson
Favourite Food: Sushi, pasta, pizza, junk food and homemade stuff =P
Favourite Hockey Team: Vancouver Canucks since they're near my town
Favourite Resturant: any good Japenese resturant!!!
Favourite Teachers: Ms. Hannigan and Mr. Jazen
Favourite Movie: Star Wars 2, Just Married, Lord of the Rings 1 and 2...
Favourite Sports: Skiing, basketball, soccer (the best), hockey (the best), badminton (the best) and tennis (the best!!)
Favourite Cartoon Charcater: Yugi
Favourite Pets: dogs
Favourite Items: Computers, my room, all my precious stuff!
Favourite Seasons: Summer and winter (summer for the sun and winter for the snow)
Words to Describe myself: Weird, damn ugly, insane and mean (that's what people say...I agree with them, haha!)
Lucky Number: 8
Why?: I don't's just my lucky number...
Horoscope: Virgo
Item that I really really (goes forever) want: a powerful vampire!!!! (yeah, it crazy)
Dream: to meet my favourite idols
Favourite Preeps: family, friends, celebrities!!
Last Movie Watched: Leagully Blonde 2
Chinese Zodiac: Sheep
Pepsi or Coke?: Pepsi of course
White or Black?: Black, white looks to clean
Angel or Devil?: Devil (I talk to him in my sleep)
MSN or AOL?: I think MSN, but I never used AOL before
Day Person or Night Owl?: the daytime you can hang out with your friends more while nighttime you get to sleep =D
Veggies or Meat?: Veggies...but I still wat a bit of meat...
Girls or Boys?: both are cool...
Girly or Tomboy?: tomboy, girly girls are kind of..I don't know..stupid?? Naw...
Good grades or bad grades?: I have bad grades more...mwhahahahaha!! :)
Most Important Thing in my life: Revenge!!!!!
Siblings: one little brother called Andrew
YAH! Favorite Season: Spring Preferable length of hair on guy: BALD! NOW WILL U DO THAT FOR ME?!?! (LOL!!) Fav. Type of guy: the kind of guy that has guts What do I do on a day off: Sleep!! Siblings: My One and only sister, Janet Likes: BOOKS!! YAH!! (me no dorky) Nice Dating Spot: OUR BEDS!! PILLOW FIGHT!! Shoe Size: 7 Whats a gift that you'd like someone to give you?: My life (LOL JK) Blood type: O nev (holy cow me really rare!! O negative!!) What kind of gift I like to give for presents:If its for a girl a necklace. A boy...........maybe a watch? Instruments I can play: Guzheung, Recorder Special talent/gift: My ears can make a big lump (some people saw it) Birthstone: Sapphire Birthflower:?? What I am usually doin: READ!! Left handed or right?: Right Sport I want to play: SKIING n BASKETBALL Fave time of the day: Night Pets: a hamster, a turtle, a cat and a dog (ALL DEAD!) Fave breed of dogs: I hate dogs Fave fruit: Strawberries!! Disliked food: Pepper! Disliked fruits: Orange Fave kind of sushi's: SALMON ROLL! Disliked kindof sushi: Spicy tuna roll EWW! Fave flavour of ice cream: Mango ^^ Sports I LIKE: Basketball and Skiing Fave style of clothes: depends on my mood, yesterday i wore a dark shirt and inside a dark t-shirt and tight navy jeans, today i wore a bright color BUNNY SMOKING!!!!! T.V. shows I like: gold field one in chinese Movies I like: The Ring, 2Fast2Furious, Harry Potter, 9 girls and a ghost Places I goto often: Paker Place Fave drink: Bubble Tea (strawberry flavor!) Least fave drink: Chinese herbs they taste like crap!! Body condition: BAD How I let my emotions out: (sad or mad) take it on someone else and hit the wall REEALLY HARD (happy) I mostly keep it quiet (hyper) I start to Spam for no reason and jumping for joy!! Fave book: TOO MANY!!!! Do I wear earrings?: Yea! Fave teacher: Mrs.Ridout ^^ Most disliked teacher: I will not put names :P Most DISLIKED sport: VOLLEYBALL!! screwy hands! What I do during rest period in skoo: talking to ur back.......I'm serious If I was given a super power, I'd want: Ability to chose when is someone's death.(i'm serious) The cars I want are: Acura RSX ! My favorite male names are: ??? Coke or pepsi?: can I say Pepsi blue? Chocolate or vanilla?: Chocolate ^^ Movies or TV: blah, w/e Dogs or cats?: HATE HATE HATE Summer or winter: winter Heaven or hell?: Hell. dark and gloomy. Just for me. Black or white: BLACK! Have I Cried during a Movie: nearly did. THANK GOD I DIDN'T!! Do I believe in angels: NO Do I believe in Destiny and Fate: NO Inury I had: I broke some glass and the glass went in my arm! Fave gal names: Viclina ( i heard it once) VICTORIA (LOL) Virginia Disliked guy names: Jason (omigod i hope he is not looking at this) Fave thing in parks: Swings. I SWING BETTA THEN U!! What I like to do on weekends: SLEEP! Obsession currently: forever BOOKS!! Kawaii anime guys~~: I won't tell you :P Happiest day of my life~: when you die...... Sad/worse/disappointing day of my life: When you live Fave element: Shadow Danced: What? Personality weakpoint: TOO sort temper. Gets psycho (I'm serious, I once poke a pin in my arm for fun) for no freaking reason. Do I noe how to knit?: !@@## screwy strings to tangles! Can I read chinese very well?: Can you stop asking me these question?!?!? Buy cd's often?: Not really but I do sometimes Fave birthstone: Oval! it was rumor it has a dark, mystic evil curses inside the round object...........