Here I am, back at school. I am no longer spending my days sitting on my ass, doing nothing whatsoever. Some might see this as a bad thing, but I personally love this. You see, now's the time I get to catch up on the current events I missed, and I get to listen to idiot college kids bitching about it. There's no end of material for this site.
Of course, the problem is that there is also a shit-load more work for me to do here, so I'm not going to have as much free time to work on this site. Many of you, I'm sure, are saying to yourselves right now, "good, this fucker will shut up." Hell, I'm ready to shut this shit down. But the asshole in me says I should keep writing. And keep writing I will, until the voices in my head tell me to stop.
Bitching about politics still seems to be a high out here, but I'm sick of dipshits who have no idea what they're talking about, who are just regurgitating something they think they heard from some media mogul. Of course, in the few instances that it is not a bullshit statement to begin with, the statement is misquoted, so, regardless, it's a moot point. College kids can be such retards at times.
Of course, there are kids out there who do know what they're talking about. There are few pleasures as great as debating with these kids. Unfortunately, these souls are too few and far between. It takes more patience than I have to find them, so I wait for them to find me.
But enough of my sexual fantasies. I've started reading the writings of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, and I've come to love gonzo journalism. This is really what we need these days, is another Dr. Thompson. Today's political commentators have nothing on him. Rather than go out there and actually live what they write about, they look at other people's experience, and other people's research, and watch other people's television programs, and just write from that. All they do is bitch and moan, and bash at each other with wooden clubs. While they are satisfied doing this to each other, a Dr. Thompson would get a gun, and promptly shoot every last one of those fuckers. And that's how to make this world a better place. Actually, to do that you'll have to do several other things - there are some people who need to be remembered in a better light. First, as said by the great Denis Leary: Go back in time, and shoot Elvis Presley back in 1957, so we can remember Elvis in a nice way. Second, do the same thing, but to Michael Jackson in 1985, when he was still black. Never let him release "Bad", and he'd still have a good image for everyone to remember him by. Regardless if the current alligations are true, just seeing him now is painful. I mean, come on, Michael looks like he's asking to be killed, and I personally don't blame him. I wonder how surprised he was when he looked in the mirror one morning, and found that his zombie make-up for the "Thriller" video was permanent. Looking at him on tv, you can see his entire face reflecting the lights, bright as a sun. Thankfully, these interviews didn't last long. The producers worried that Michael might start to melt.
So now you know how to fix all your problems. It's all about killing Elvis in 1957, and Michael in 1985. If we do this, we'll all be better off. This should be President Bush's next decree. It's something we can all agree upon, regardless of our beliefs. And, in these times of bitter dispute between race and creed, don't we deserve something to bring us all back together, in this great country, the soon-to-be United States of Howard?
Until next time,
©2004 by Goose