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Kerry Loses a Point

Greetings and salutations, web surfers.

Kerry had a point in my book. Kerry has lost it. With the release today of the estimates for the DNC preparation, I have officially withdrawn any previous credit I have given this man.

As of now, the DNC is going to cost $70 million, $20.5 million over original estimates in late 2002, and $5.5 million over estimates in the fall of 2003, according to the Democratic National Convention Committee. Why, you may ask? Well, one of the largest increase in funds went towards unnecessarily beefed-up security, up to $25 million from the $10 million estimate in December 2002. Production went up from $6 million to $9.1 million, for the installation of lights to showcase Kerry to the world, for the installation of two side podiums, for new video equipment, and all types of other unnecessary bullshit. The current estimate also includes construction costs, which nearly doubled from $7.2 to $13.9 million, all to make this a flashy show that nobody's going to watch. I mean, who the hell watches these conventions on tv?

All this money and hard work is being taken from the taxpayers, repaid only with the promise of a week of pain and misery, just so the Democrats can sit on their asses for a few days, doing absolutely nothing. Because, let's face it, Kerry already has the nomination. The whole DNC in Boston is complete bullshit, it will accomplish nothing. And the absolute worst part is, according to Kerry campaign spokesman Michael Meehan, this is due not to items added to the agenda, but the miscalculation of costs of items already in it. Which is bullshit. Because in December 2002, we didn't know that Kerry would have the nomination. But now, there's all this spectacular shit being done just for him, and even reports that, when it was rumored Kerry wouldn't attend the DNC, that security would be greatly toned down.

Face it, Kerry, you're the problem here. All this shit wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for you. And, I have to say, for the man who is expected to replace Bush in the White House, your grasp of economics doesn't seem that much better (I mean, 'underestimating' the DNC budget by $20.5 million? You've already started freely spending all you can, what'll happen when you're Commander-in-Chief?). Thank God the Boston committee is only responsible for a fixed amount of $39.5 million, I would hate if this bastard made our fair city pick up the check for his party.

Hell, I'll just vote for Nader and be done with it.

Until next time,


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