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The Lost Entry

Greetings and salutations, web surfers.

Having been insanely busy over the past few months, what with having to deal with sophomore year in college, and declaring a major (a much harder task for me than anyone else), I really just haven't been graced with the time or mental health to go posting. But today, as I decided to add Firefox links to the site, as well as check out the integrity of some of the old links, I happened across this article that I had written after the Vans Warped Tour 2004, but completely neglected to complete and put up. My mind really worked differently back then, but not so much that I feel the need to delete this. Besides, I think there are some things in here that need to be said. So here you go. Understand, however, that all this was before Fahrenheit 9/11 was proved to not be the most important documentary of the year (as it didn't even manage to get Bush out of office), and so my attitude towards blind followers and people who don't ask questions was one of anger. I also remember being pissed at people who called themselves progressives, and yet, four years after the fact, all they do is brood over Election 2000. In fact, those people still piss me off.

The state of the nation, as demonstrated by the average college student, is a sorry thing. This election year was supposed to be our wake-up call. Unfortunatly, no one is waking up. Allow me to demonstrate: Outside the Warped Tour at Gillete Stadium this year, there was your expected political protestors, going after Bush. This, in and of itself, is a healthy thing for our country. The problem is, they were calling for Revolution. How can we join in this Revolution? By voting for John Kerry.

Stop reading right here if you agree with this statement, for everything I say from here on out will probably offend you.

People who believe this ridiculous statement have less intelligence than a lukewarm bowl of vegetable soup. There is no Revolution in voting for the other primary party candidate. That's just following the system, which can be blamed for all of our troubles up to this point. These people are so blind that they believe things only exist in black and white, right and wrong, good and bad. They fail to see the irony in being asked to vote for a man who is possibly more dishonest than Bush. They fail to see that, despite perceived differences, Bush and Kerry are really the same. They are led to believe that they're going outside the system by staying within it. They're told it is "cool" to vote Democrat. If our collective self-esteem is so low that we vote for Kerry, not because of policy, but because we think it's "cool", then there truly is no hope.

I was witness to one of the most horrifying events in our nation's history - Shaun Hannity, that great blundering bozo, was subjected to a call from a dozen New York teenagers on his radio show a few weeks ago. He began to quiz them, asking for names and who they're voting for. Then he asked some basic questions. After one of the early contestants referred to the Democratic candidate as "Kearny", Shaun could no longer hold himself back, and began making stupid jokes at these kids' expense (running mates Kearny and Stu Ped). Of course, it was well deserved, since these kids couldn't even name the current Vice President. He also requested that the Kerry supporters name one issue Kerry stood for in his history in politics that they agreed with. None could do this.

This is where I decided to give up on the original article. The events on Hannity's show had driven me into such a deep depression that, well, I essentially gave up on everything, hence my hiatus from the website. I didn't see the point in trying to get people to question what they're being told if the people I'm writing for, and indeed the people who will determine the future of our world, are so ignorant of the world around them. They couldn't even handle domestic politics, much less international, I'm sure. But for all the rest of you out there, the ones who don't waste time trying to label me as a liberal or a conservative, as a Democrat or a Republican (don't bother, I'm none of these,) maybe you will see just what I am saying. Soon, it will all be up to us. Let's not fuck it up.

Until next time,


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