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And Just What Is Wrong With Being Fat?

Greetings and salutations, web surfers.

Michael Moore, than man I hate more than no other, is at it again, friends. Of course, you know what I'm talking about. Under the guise of helping out others in various ways, Moore is going for Best Picture with Fahrenheit .8181818. I mean, if you're going for glory and the ultimate in exposure, at least admit to it. Don't say it's because you are "supportive of [your] teammates in nonfiction film" or because you "wanted to give others a chance." Bullshit! If you wanted others to have a chance, why are you trying to block out all the legitimate movies that have been produced this year? Admittedly, Fahrenheit 9/11 was quite an impressive piece of fiction, but it was nothing compared to the better Hollywood productions of the year.

There is more riding on this than the glory of a Best Picture Oscar. If Moore goes for the gold, he will be able to rake in Moore money by selling to television stations that may or may not want to play this movie. I'm wildly curious how noone can see through this latest blatant show of self-serving, money-driven hypocrisy. No, this man is still being hailed as a prophet and a patriot, lending a helping hand to real documentaries like "Super-Size Me" (which Moore could very well have been the posterboy for). At least Moore is finally doing something relatively honest, by semi-admitting Fahrenheit 9/11 was not a documentary. Of course, with all that money coming in, Moore will probably be pounding more $1 double-cheeseburgers before pasting his even-more-bloated puss on the covers of his two new books.

Apparantly, Moore has made dishonesty so socially acceptable that we can no longer call him fat. Even in this article, we can easily point out a lie. Which one would that be? "Moore says he once was skinny, but put on weight in the 1980s when he lived on $99 a week in unemployment and subsisted on cheap, starchy foods."

Want proof this is a lie? Look at the following photos:

Moore in the 80's

Moore in 2003


Need more proof?

Moore in the 80's

Moore after Bowling


How about one more?

Moore in the 80's

Moore after Bowling


See the pattern? It seems pretty clear that a hell of a lot of Moore's weight was put on after he started making money. The lie is just another way for him to try and milk more support from dopes.

Anyway, I have no idea how "fat" became a slur. Fat is not an insult, it's a state of being. I have no problem with it - I am fat. I am a regular lard bucket. If you cut me with a knife, hot butter would ooze out of the wound. I have no problem with people pointing this out to me. After all, it is the truth, and I've learned to accept the truth. Not accepting that you're a gargantuan lardball does nobody any good, least of all yourself. If you're really that offended, then please, step on a fucking treadmill.

Until next time,


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