Hello again, and welcome to New Year's Eve! Tonight we all gather together, and celebrate being one year closer to the apocalypse! That's right, eat, drink, and be merry, for there are only a few years left before we are all dead. And the best part is, next year is election year, so this could prove to be the end of our nation, depending on who wins. Exciting, isn't it? At this point, as long as the country stays out of the hands of Al Gore, I'm happy. Holy hell, how that man can destroy America. He couldn't even handle the little tasks Clinton gave to him, like dealing with the Russians. Gore ended up giving all kinds of money to the Russkies, and we still have no idea how that money was used. Still, it could be worse. I can't stand the thought of this great nation in the hands of she-bitch Hillary. This power-hungry hussy, this whore of the political world nearly destroyed our medical system by trying to implement a universal healthcare plan similar to Canada's. Let me tell you, as a Canadian citizen, that there's a reason we bring our relatives across the border for health care. There's a reason why my mother practices medicine in America. And that's that the Canadian universal healthcare system ain't worth shit. It really is a joke.
Now, I'm not saying that Republicans are any better, in fact they can be far worse. But there is one thing that has really put me off the Democrats recently, and that is die-hard liberals. These are people who don't use a brain in their head, believe that everything is a conspiracy against them, and so forth. These are the people who refuse to recite the pledge of allegiance, and not because of the "under God" line. These are the people who go on radio talk shows criticizing George W. Bush for stealing the Democratic tax plan (this one even made Laura Ingraham's 'Lie of the Day' segment), and for fluoridating water (this was mentioned by an actual caller to an actual political radio show, I shit you not.) Yes, that's right, the government has a secret and diabolical plan to keep our teeth and gums bright and healthy. Other brain-dead liberals write books. The other day, I finally read Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men", and I must say that it was the biggest piece of shit I've ever purchased. I used to respect this man for his filmed masterpiece "Canadian Bacon", but Moore truly is mentally deficient when it comes to politics. He still claims that George Bush stole the election, by means of the Electoral College, and that Al Gore should have won because he won the popular vote - a strangely brooding position for a progressive. I suggest that anyone who subscribes to this belief should read the US Constitution, Article II, Section 1, where our founding fathers implemented the Electoral College. So, in order for Bush to steal this election, he would have had to start planning nearly 170 years before he was born, a neat trick to say the least. In fact, it was Al Gore who lost the election in Florida, because he was trying to cheat by bussing the elderly and Spanish-speaking voters to the voting centers, and telling them to vote for the second candidate (since Bush comes before Gore alphabetically, I assume). However, because of the design of the butterfly ballot (designed by a Democrat, by the way), the second name lined up with Pat Buchanan, and Gore's plan was foiled. Now, I obviously have no proof of this theory. In fact, I have absolutely no intention of passing it off as valid. Hell, I can't even say that I believe it's true. Dirty campaign tricks were pulled by both sides, as is to be expected, and so it's hard to say exactly what someone did to win or lose the election. However, if you compare my take on this to Al Gore's whinings at the said time, you will see a connection. There is no such connection for Moore's take. So who do you think is closer to the truth?
I managed to purchase a British edition of "Stupid White Men", which includes Michael Moore's email address (I don't know if the American version has this also). What I plan on doing is emailing to Mr. Moore a chapter-by-chapter rebuttal. Because this will do little more than annoy him, I will also post my rebuttal on this site when it is completed. As a matter of fact, since apparently any dipshit can get a book published, maybe I'll add to the rebuttal, include my Republican put-downs (so that I can't be grouped in with the "vast, right-wing conspiracy," as I am not right-wing. No comment on my vastness,) and release it. But for the moment, I'm finished with politics on this page, so I'll leave you with another reccomendation. Take a look at Rich Lowry's article, "16 Questions for Dean". It is sure to solicit a laugh or two.
Until next time,
©2003 by Goose