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Jesse Jackson Is Full Of Shit

There is something generally wrong with the world here at Colgate University. For two weeks, I have been feeling the deadly effects of food poisoning. Last night, as the torture finally began to subside, I went out to get a bite to eat at the dining hall. Once again, I feel my insides are in the throes of a strong case of food poisoning.

Some people would be upset by this - irritated, royally pissed off. The number of acceptable locations for food consumption in this town is dwindling. But food is not the only thing wrong here. This is a town where Jesse Jackson can come to speak, and be met with respect. Frankly, I ran out of respect for this man when it was found that he betrays absolutely every ideal he stands for. I also have no respect for anyone who pulls out the color card every time they're backed into a corner. I mean, he told us that the most important US histories are the African-American and Native histories. Does this sound like a man striving for equality? The best way to put this is, if there was no European-American history, there'd be no African-American history, so doesn't that make the current history lessons the most well-structured? The Euro-Am history is the transitionary one, so of course it's going to be centered. But centered doesn't necessarily have to mean most important.

Another interesting point Mr. Jackson made was that we have had "246 years of legal constitutional slavery". Interesting point, especially considering the fact that we haven't had the Constitution for 246 years. So, using September 17th, 1787 as the reference point (the date the document was completed), the Constitution applied some 29 years prior to its being written.

Jackson also made other stupid remarks, like saying he does not celebrate July 4th, 1776, but July 4th, 1863 - The day the Union army defeated the Confederates at Gettysburg - as an Independence Day. Now, there are two things wrong with this. First of all, Independence Day did not mark a battle, but the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which is what officially made the US a country, not European colonies. What form of independence did we celebrate after the bloodiest battle in American history, three days of killing our own? Although it wasn't the end of the Civil War, it was the turning point which led to the crushing of the rebels, the ones seeking independence. So, if anything, it was an Anti-Independence day. The second thing wrong with what Mr. Jackson said is that the Union defeated the Confederates at Gettysburg on July 3rd, 1863. But it was a nice try, reverend.

Finally, the 'good reverend' insulted us all by claiming that no Colgate student is in Afghanistan or Iraq. Well, I do happen to have friends who were in the marines, who did go to Afghanistan, who did fight for our country. So, the general conclusion I came to is what I've always known - Jesse Jackson is full of shit.

Until next time,


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