Our Info....


Ok... just for now I am gonna start this page off. This page is totally dedicated to those of you who want to show their appreciation for the music and to give back some dedication to match that of which the band has given to us. I have sooo many things to say about the music. It is the most inspiring sound I have ever heard. It has inspired me to do so many things. Such as go back to school for piano once again...I ended up quitting for personal reasons. Because of this band and their music I want to help out with so many things. It has made me want to go back to school to learn how to teach others the glories of music so that I can pass this dream on and never let it die. Not only that but now because of it I have given so many other bands a chance that I would have never done so before...and found myself liking so many more different types of music than ever before.They have opened up my eyes and made me realize that life just isn't about one thing. Its about a million different things...all happening at once. The music has made me realize that there are sooo many things that you can do with yourself as long as you are willing to take the risk to just get out there and get things done. Without this music I don't know where I would be.I would be lost.I feel I owe so much to this music and this band.I can never repay the debt of that of which it has helped me out with........but I can always try.

If you would like to get in touch with me to submit your appreciation on this page...or for anything else on the site my email address is rainbow95@loveable.com