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PSY150 Periodic Assignment #2

Elizabeth Haas

Elizabeth Haas


September 8, 2003


     Alzheimer disease is named for the German doctor Alois Alzheimer who discovered the disease in a woman who died from a peculiar mental illness. Dr. Alzheimer discovered changes in the brain tissue of this woman finding the abnormal clumps and tangled bundles indicative now of signs of Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s is a fatal disease as it not only destroys brain cells that are important for memory but also destroys brain cells that cause failure in other systems of the body.

     It was surprising to learn that Alzheimer disease is the fourth leading cause of death in adults. The most common symptoms of AD are a gradual loss of memory in regards to facts, events, and even friends and family members. Lesions on the brain consisting of amyloid plaques as well as neurofibrillary tangles have been observed in Alzheimer brain tissue. Amyloid plaques are clumps of protein fragments that have accumulated on the outside of cells and neurofibrillary tangles are clumps of altered proteins found inside cells. Recent testing on mice has recognized an enzyme that could possibly be the cause of the increase in amyloid. There is also the discovery of three genes that may cause the disease, in particular one gene that raises the risk of Alzheimer’s in older people. Other factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol may also increase the risk for developing Alzheimer’s.




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