.intro.the.mistresses. .manda. .this site is dedicated to one of the hottest males on earth; joel rueben madden. words cannot express how liz and i feel about the younger twin in the hot ska-punk band good charlotte. liz and i found each other through the all things rock message boards... i think... well thats not important. the important thing is that, while most people who idolize the same person can't get along at all... we get alon fine. we just simply agreed that we'd share joel. he wouldn't mind, and neither would we. having to share him would be better than not having him at all. am i right? anydohickie ((*sigh* giving joel a hickie would be fun)) sry, inside joke. ANYWHO! we would have put this on some professional fanlisting site, but they prolly wouldn't have allowed it because half the pictures we have given you would be considered 'stalkerism'. me, stalking, joel? right ((damnit they're good!)!. but yeah, if i were stalking joel, he'd know it. but that doesn't matter!. my name's amanda, but please call me manda. i haven't been listening to good charlotte for very long, but i love 'em all just the same. i am not a teeny bopper either. i love all the guys just the same ((including Cashdogg)), but i am just highly attracted to joel's sexiness. i embrace all genres of music, hell i prolly know the words to more country songs than you do.!. that right there, devoids me of being a teeny. and no, just because im from kentucky does not mean im forced to listen to country. more than half my friends can't stand country, therefore listening to it is my choice, though my genre of preference is punk rock and hard rock. now that i have completely bored each and everyone of you, im going to hand it over to liz so she can make her introductions! luv ya joel buddy!. .liz. |