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Ziggy Wa Wa Brush

Bwahahahahahoiiirr! You are experiencing the making of Annchan's Manual of Stupidity. Dare to be stoopid!! But hey, c'mon... don't do all these things at once or else you're just abusing the privilege. Have any ideas to contribute? E-mail them to me at Please... not a lot. I know it's not that hard to be stupid.

You Jackass!

#1 Drown a fish.
#2 Eat sushi, but don't leave a tip.
#3 Stick your head in the microwave and get yourself a tan.
#4 When people ask you questions such as, "How are you?" Answer with a, "Yes."
#5 If you see Elijah Wood on the street and he has that little fuzzy beard, shout to him, "I WANT YOUR LUCKY CHARMS!!!"
#6 Go to the movies and buy m&ms. Break them up a little, stick them in your straw, and FIRE THEM INTO THE CROWD!
#7 Laugh when there's a tragic/emotional part in the movie.
#8 Keep asking why.
#9 Talk in a foreign language the other person doesn't know. It usually ticks 'em off.
#10 Tell someone they're so smelly, they need both Right Guard and Left Guard!
#11 Put lipstick on your forehead and explain that you were trying to make up your mind.
#12 Sell your car for gas money.
#13 Take a ruler to bed to see how long you slept.
#14 When applying for a job, write under the "Education" part.. "Hooked on Phonics."
#15 Spend twenty minutes staring at an orangejuice carton. If someone asks you what you're doing.. "Well, it said concentrate." ...Dumbarse.
#16 Get hit by a parked car.
#17 Trip over a cordless phone.
#18 When the computer says, "Press any key to continue" .. look for the 'any' key.
#19 Do one-legged dogs swim in circles? .......Just wondering.
#20 Ahh.. lesbian seagulls... lesbian seagulls.......
#21 Go to the movies and get your straw wet. Blow through the straw and go, "ACHOO!" so the person in front of you gets 'sneezed' on.
#22 Smack your bubblegum loudly. =) I always do.
#23 On the Are You Really Thinking?s, if the question says at the end, "Can you figure out the answer?" Write down, "No." I did, it was fun. Same with the pitchfork answer.
#24 Lick a brick. Heck, Ashley did! Then she got sick...
#25 Take an icecube fresh out of the freezer and stick it in your mouth... It got stuck to my tongue. When I pulled it off, my tongue was bleeding and you could see tongue skin on the icecube XD
#26 Uh I dunno... act like Blink182 and run around the streets nekkid.
#27 If a cow laughs, does milk come out of its nose? Milk feels weird when it comes out of your nose. It tastes even weirder.
#28 You are in a situation when your friend with multiple personalities wants to kill herself. Ask her, "Is this considered a hostage situation?"
#29 If a synchronized swimmer drowns, does her partner also have to drown?
#30 Glue your hand to the ceiling fan and have someone turn it on.
#31 Draw on people when they're sleeping or not paying attention.
#32 When someone does something bad, give them a sticker that says, "Excellent!" or something of the sort. ...Hey isn't there a teacher who already does that? Whoops.
#33 Point. Simply point. It's rude AND fun! What more do you want?!
#34 Stare at people while in a restaurant. Hey, my mom does it.
#35 Stand by the road with a hairdryer and see if cars slow down.
#36 Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.
#37 Every time someone wants you to do something, ask if they would like fries with that.
#38 Put your garbage can on your desk and label it "in."
#39 Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone is over their caffeine addictions, switch to expresso.
#40 In the memo field of all your checks, write "for sexual favors."
#41 Finish all your sentences with "in accordance to the prophecy."
#42 dont use any punctuation marks
#43 As often as possible, skip rather than walk.
#44 Ask people what sex they are. Laugh hysterically after they answer.
#45 Specify that your drive-through order is "to go."
#46 Sing along at the opera.
#47 Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme.
#48 Put mosquito netting around your work area. Play a tape of jungle sounds all day.
#49 Five days in advance, tell your friend you can't attend their party because you're not in the mood.
#50 Have your coworkers address you by your wrestling name, "Jocky Rock Hard."
#52 Would you like a ... spatchula? ..For your bunghole?
#53 When the money comes out of the ATM, scream, "I won! I won! Third time this week!!"
#54 When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parkling lot, screaming, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES, THEY'RE LOOSE!"
#55 Tell your children over dinnner, "Due to the economy, we're going to have to let one of you go."
#56 Order diet water at a restaurant.
#57 Superglue a quarter to the floor of the mall and count how many people try to pick it up.
#58 Wear a cape in public.
#59 Decorate your clothing with non-decorative objects such as safety pins, duct tape...
#60 Wear so many bracelets they're longer than your sleeves.
#61 Don't take your sunglasses off at any time.
#62 Form your own religion and have people converted to it.
#63 Invent your own language that's oh so very ...wrong... and learn to speak/write it fluently.
#64 When getting off the elevator, press all the buttons to piss off the sucker who gets on after you.
#65 Ask a passerby for directions to a landmark you are standing right in front of.
#66 Give people cards on their birthday that say "Congratulations, it's a boy!" and sign it "Happy Thanksgiving."
#67 Move "Caution: Wet Floor" signs to carpeted areas.
#68 Fall asleep in class on something that'll leave weird patterns on your forehead.
#69 When on the phone, ask to be put back on hold because you like the music.
#70 Refer to "THEM" without specifying exactly what that's supposed to mean.
#71 Make signs reading "Please use other door" and put them on every door at that building.
#72 Lick yourself in public to see people's reactions. Eck.
#73 Claim to be invisible, picking up objects, saying "Whoosh! This is floating by itself!"
#74 Say "Excuse me" when you bump into inanimate objects in public.
#75 Run up the "down" escalators.

Somebody got hit by the Stupid Bus. -_-
Brent: The gold sparkles... do you get them when you become an angel?
Will: Nah, I was playing with glitter five minutes ago.

Ladies and gentlemen, Butthead is in the toilet.

Zoom Zoom Zoom

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