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Hi, you've reached my page.

If at any time you get offended, or are not completly happy with the ending result of this page, you can go away, because I just dont care. Ever.

INTRODUCING SIMON! Simon is a dude, like most dudes, and I asked him if he would co host the page with me, and he said yes. So he is. That is all.


For those people who love techno and trance, all that genre, this is a up and coming star in our world ladies and gentlemen, check Trancendent out,">HERE!

A Portion of my new favorite song

"Pick it Pack it Fire it up, come along And take a hit from the bong Put the blunt down Just for a second Don’t get me wrong It’s not a new method Inhale Exhale Just got an ounce in the mail I like a blunt or a big fat cone But my double-barrel bong Is gettin’ me stoned I’m skill it There’s water inside don’t spill it It smells like shit on the carpet Still it Goes down smooth when I get a clean hit Of the skunky, phunky, smelly green shit Sing my song Puff all night long As I take hits from the bong Hits from the bong y’all " - Cypress Hill - Hits From The Bong



Now, I love music. I enjoy almost every type of music, because people are doing what they love doing, and they are creating art. But, there is one person, I hate, and I always will hate. Celine Dion. Now this woman is not a dummy, she is a mastermind! SHE IS THE ONLY PERSON TO THINK OF TERRORISM THROUGH MUSIC. But every fibre of my being hates her. She, ladies and gentlemen, is, crap. She has a very good tone and pitch in her voice, but there is something in there that makes you want to hit her with a wheelbarrow. I just dont think it was fair of any record company to produce her cd. They new it would hurt people. Not a good idea for a joke.

Now if your a celine Dion die-hard give my fundamental organs to save her dog kinda fan, I hate you to. If you want to whinge about me, whinge away. I dont care. Whinging yet? Good. Now get out of my page. If you dont like her, good for you, you are not a stupid head.


Many people have been asking why I left year school after year 11. I have been giving them answers like "Its just not my thing" and stuff like that. Well. Im lying. I left my school, because it was fucked. The whole system, was fucked. But that is only part of the reason. A young teenager goes to school, and he has being having a bad time at home, and when he walks in the doors of the school, people tease him because he is different. He walks in to the classroom, AND THE TEACHER MAKES A JOKE ABOUT HIM. He loses friends, because he is different. Who has he got? NO ONE.

I would say that about 10% of people at that school Have felt like that. Do you think that it feels nice to be sitting quitely when a teacher asks you "What are you going to do with your life?" or, "Why are you here?" With the tone in his voice saying "your shit, Im perfect" Oh, geez, I dont know, I was thinking about seeing exactly how far I could put this metal ruler in to my chest! Or, maybe i was going to get my pocket knife and see how far I could shove it in my arm, before it bled to much! Do you want to join me? These "outcasts" are some very cool people when you get to know them.

I would say 80% are footy heads, they play sport really well, so they get special privilages. Teachers treat them exceptionally well. They get punishments removed, if they really do something bad, they get a detention or at very worst a suspention. But for kids who dont play sport, or do not help the college in areas that ARE NOT important in life, the school looks differently on them, casting them aside as second rate students, and continue to focus on the ones that dont need the help.

The other 10% of people are really good people, and they play sport as well, and have great relationships with everyone, but they dont tease people or pick on people because they are different. They accept everyone for who they are. Thats the way a society should be, buts it not.

I CLEARLY RECALL the statement made by the headmaster as I started my first year at my school. "You get in to trouble son, look out, but we will make that effort to GO OUT OF OUR WAY to get you back in line, and I CAN BET you will enjoy your stay here. That same year, I joined the cricket team. I loved cricket. But my team got stuck with the yr 12 coaches, the ones that like picking on people. It was my third training session. I was getting gear out of the cricket kit, looking at it, and two dickheaded student had a bat and ball, and managed to hit it over the other side of the oval. THEN THE COACH TOLD ME TO GET THE BALL! When I said no, he didnt even give me an alternative, he said 20 minutes of shuttle runs. I said no again. They told me to sit out, so I did. The next day at school, I was asked outside by a teacher, WHO FULLY RIPPED IT UP ME! I was reduced to tears, standing in between the doorway of two classes, and he didnt even want to hear my side of the story, because, I was only a little kid, with out an opinion of course, and THE COACHES WERE ON THE FIRST 11. Fucking dickheads.

So much for enjoying my stay at school!

Every year, my dad made me play football, because one dickheaded teacher said I looked like a good footballer at orientation day, and dad was one of those die hard parents. And every year, I said I didnt want to. I was in the top team, every year, until year 7. I looked at the notices, it said SEAN BROGAN, second division. I cryed there on the spot. Not because I was dissapointed in my self, I did my best job, but I knew what was coming when I told my Dad. "softy", "Never play football like your Great Grandfather, YOU KNOW HE WAS IN THE AUSTRALIAN SIDE DONT YOU SEAN!?!?", "girly boy". Does a ton load of good for my self esteem doesnt it? Thank fuck that dickhead doesnt live with me anymore. Did I mention he cut my school fees?

The school doesnt offer the courses I wanted until I left, and they make you do courses you cleary dont like. I understand that you need some courses, to get along in the real world, sure, but not all of it is important. You can get great jobs with out all the shit they feed you.

THE SCHOOL I WENT TO FUCKED ME UP. ( cant mention names, feel free to email me if you want to know which school it was.)

You want to send you son or daughter to a good school? Go to a public college. Teachers are friendly, not stuck up brown nosed ass wipes.(But thats not to say that all teachers are like that, some are the best people in the world) And students are generally more accepted.


"Fuck I'm Bent"

Do any of you watch the World Worst Police chases? Or the fastest? Or the dumbest? Thats a Mighty big Generalization, considering that its only shot in America. Oh, sorry I forgot, America think they own everything. Well, anyway, They Narrator dude, makes these cops out to be some well oiled team of terminators, ready for action all the time, always alert. But they are not. They are just silly try hard cops driving around after a criminal. Altough, about 90% of the time, the cops dont actually stop the criminal, he stops himself, but plowing in to the side of a truck at a million miles an hour. And those trustworthy cops are half an hour away! The only reason you can still see the carnage is because of an apache with a rambo pilot who is dead keen to keep up with the whippy van rocketing in and out of traffic.

I hate the narrator to! You feel a sudden urge to hit him because of the way he talks. Its a kind of try hard Troy McLuer from the simpsons, and he is a pediophile.

Oh, but its fun to watch people zoom around the streets, knocking over bins, running in to poles. I always get a good laugh when the male/female gets out of the car, and tries to run, when he/she are actually so unfit, he/she would have gotten there faster if he/she rolled. I have to give it to the American Cops, some are dickheads, but they are very fit.

Its common knowledge, (In Queanbeyan at least) that if being chased by the law, one does not try to climb a 50 foot wall with a steering wheel. One must always stay in the open, and run, or if one is experienced and knows the streets, to keep in the dark, and run down side alleys, and hide in buildings. And if it is daytime, run in to the nearest shopping centre, they will loose you in the crowd. YOU DONT GO PELTING DOWN THE HIGHWAY WAVING YOUR ARMS SCREAMING OBSANITIES. NO NO! Also, why would you want to do anything wrong in the first place? Its not as if your life is so bad that you NEED to break in to a restuarant and steal all the icecream, or steal a car just to see how far you can run from anything. I can understand if your stealing from the dude sitting next to you at school. But dont do anything stupid in the real world, its not worth it.

Unless Its a whippy van.

Super-Simon Co-Host here! I just wanted to write a short tribute to one of the greatest guitar players and song writers of all time; Kurt Cobain. It was recently the 10 year anniversary of his suicide, and i was ashamed to say i didnt even know about it until a few days after! But moving on, I have to say, as well as having total respect for Kurt, i also feel sorry for him, 'cause as some people don't know, Kurt never wanted to be a rock star! he just wanted to play music! instead he got labelled as the poster boy for an entire generation! a weight like that on your shoulders, when you really didnt want it, would suck major balls! his ability to play his grunge rock was second to none, and i love every second i listen to him play, and sing his meaningful lyrics, something i think is missing in alot of artists out today! For bringing his music to the world, i thank Kurt Cobain!

Rest In Peace.

PLUS PEACE, LOVE AND EMPATHY SIMON! AH! I would also like to thank kurt, if not for him the music we listen today would not be the same.

Simon here, I've decided to make a list of my philosophies! Some will be stolen, 'cause I'm a dirty thieving bastard, others will be the work of my own fantastic imagination! OK, here we go..

  1. "Before judging a man, walk a mile in his shoes. Then, who cares, he's a mile away and you have his shoes!"
  2. "If we don't drink coffee we avoid the dilemma of how much sugar to put in" That's all i got for now, but chances are I'll put more in one day! Live, Love, and be Happy!

    FUCK!!! Sorry about that! Simon here! I thought i should tell you people a bit about myself, and that bit is this: I am extremely hostile! I am angry at the world, and i hate all my opressors... basically, everyone! I, like most young people feel as though i have been fucked over by the world! So, there can only be one conclusion from this matter, and that is this: We're starting a band!! Me, Sean and 2 other people (shutup we don't know who yet) are going to form the coolest band ever to do band things! People have got to keep an eye out for us! or even two! We have plans, and I'm sure you'll love our plans! We don't have a name yet, but it will be cool! Rock hard! Kick annoying people! Give me money! Love you all!

    Love Simon

    To tell you all about the past three months would be silly. So Im not going to. HA! But what I will do, is tell you about an experience I had a while ago. One morning, I woke up at my friends house, and decided we needed Mars Bars. So off I went, hung over, in filthy clothes from the night before, with a ciggarette in hand. When I got back, I took the Mars Bars out of the shopping bag, and opened the fridge, I think mars bars are better cold. Anyway, I opened the door, and you wouldnt believe it, there was a polar bear in the fridge! I thought, I dont remember putting that in there..... but I put the Mars Bars in the fridge, and walked away for 30 minutes. I came back, and opened the fridge, and there it was.... the polar bear..... staring at me, in that seductive polar bear way. And I said... "Hey mate... they ready yet?" And he said "Nah mate their just chillin'" Ok I thought, and I walked off for another 45 minutes. I came back again, and opened up the fridge. Polar bear is still there. I said to him, "They ready yet?" and he replied, "Nah mate, their just chillin'".

    I got pissed off.

    All I wanted was a cold Mars Bar.

    So I went in to my room, got my sawn off double barrel shotgun, came back, pointed it at his head, and said...

    "Fuck the Mars Bar, Gimme A Bundy!"

    You know its really great, Coz now I have this really good polar bear rug.

    Top 24 artists until I next update

    • Rage Against The Machine (Favorite band, so staying right here)
    • Meatloaf
    • Red Hot Chili Peppers
    • Marylin Manson
    • Billy Joel
    • Incubus
    • Korn
    • Faith No More
    • Nirvana
    • Def Leppard
    • Ben Folds Five
    • Jimmy Eat World
    • Blink 182
    • Silverchair
    • System Of A Down
    • John Butler Trio
    • The Whitlams
    • Bon Jovi
    • Cypress Hill
    • The Living End
    • Greenday
    • Killswitch Engage
    • Tool
    • Alanis Morrisette

    My Favorite Web Sites

    Good animations and funny stuff
    Zack De La Rocha and DJ Shadow
    Dickheads at work
    Leonard Peltier
    Kurt Cobains last letter
    The Living End's home page - Simon's doing...
