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Power To The People


(some red-neck voice)

Oh my god, look at that guy he has green hair what a weirdo. . dorky...he doesn't dress act or look the same as all of us...

...what's wrong with him...he must be one of those confused-sexuals.

(chorus 1)

Are you talkin to me?...Are you talkin to her? ...Are you talkin to my friend?


Are you talkin to me?...Are you talkin to her? ...Are you talkin to my friend?


Are you talkin about me?...Are you talkin about her? ...Are you talkin about my friend?


Are you talkin about me?...Are you talkin about her? ...Are you talkin about my friend?

Yes I am...

Who cares...we got the knowledge we got the power we are stronge.


For all you people out there who think your cooler than everybody...

There's a 100% chance that ...YOUR WRONG.

You think puting down someone gives you power...

Only one thing gives you power and that it knowledge.

(verse 1)

If you see me walking down the street...

while driving in your car...

and you point you middle finger at me...

You want to get me mad...

but it only makes me glad...

to know that you are narrow minded.


Power to the people...Power is knowledge.

(preach 2)

You're free to say whateva you want I know that...

go ahead and speak your narrow mind...

(some red-neck voice)

Whats the matter with that girl...

she doesn't fit to what's normal...

She must be one of those...homo-sexuals.

(go to chorus1)


Gotta get power...Gotta get power...

Then youll get...then you'll get knowledge.

(verse 2)

If you were to see me at school...

where you think your so damn bad...

You'll push me to the ground...(don't piss me off )

All I do is stand look you in the eyes.

To look deep into an ignorant mans eyes.

(go to chorus2)

(preach 3)

If you get off on making someone feel bad...

all I got to say is your the pussy.

(some red-neck voice)

What the hell is that a girl or a guy... t

hat must be one of those trans-sexuals.

(bridge 2)

Gotta get knowledge...Gotta get knowledge...

Then you'll get...Then you'll get power.


If you see me anywhere and I hear you say

"he just does it for attention" Y

ou're gonna hear me say...

Just because I like diffrent things than you .

.. that doesn't mean I'm trying to get attention.