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Can I Hear An Amen

Can I Hear A Amen Larry Goss


Can I hear a amen,

Will I get to heaven?

I'm tired of loosing my freinds to jesus.

They think, "hey if you're good he'll save us."


What do you really think,

that you'll be saved,

you'll be sent to heaven just cause you behaved.

I don't wanna burst your narrow bubble,

but your living your life for someone who's dead.

I'm not saying don't beleave in him,

but I think you should live for yourself instead.


Can I hear a amen,

Will I get to heaven?

I'm tired of loosing my freinds to jesus.

They think, "hey if you're good he'll save us."


What do you really need?

Some kind of security.

I'm sorry but preaching to me aint gonna convence me to easily.

I'm not saying your goals are s**t.

and I don't feel religions shame to resist.

I'm not saying don't beleave in him,

live your life something that you don't know exists.


Can I hear a amen,

Will I get to heaven?

I'm tierd of loosing my freinds to jesus.

They think, "hey if you're good he'll save us."

I'm tired of loosing my freinds to jesus.

They say, "hey if I'm good he'll save us."

Can I hear a amen,

Will I get to heaven?