Articles By the Unknown
This article goes out to the bands. Maybe it'll inspire some people and maybe you'll think this article sucks. But I don't really care. The main thing I wanna say to all the bands is don't give a fuck. What I'm talkin about is how like bands that are trying to put out a good message of change and what not to make some kind of difference in the world through music, alot of times get scared and pussyout. This is pretty much about my eperiences so far. But I've learned from it. I used to be very conscientious about what I write and say in a song. BNut I realized that I'm the same person on stage as I'am off. I say whatever the hell I need to get a message across to someone no matter. No matter if I'm talkin about a particular group of people that in my opinon need change, or if I'm talkin about how bush sucks. A lot of my cautiousness as to what I would write usually dealt with the thought of people liking what we say and ultimately, US as a band. I came to the conclusion that there is no possible way everyone is going to like us. People will either hate us, or agree with us. I also came to the conclusion that I reall don't care who likes us as long as I like us and the message we're putting out. I learned that it's all about the people who support us all the way that matters. Of course I know I being very stupid and that getting the biggest crowd isn't what punk's about. And ironicly , I started my band with the intention of having fun. Now I'm having the best time of my life because I realize I was wrong the whole time, and I can now sign about shit and not care who disagrees with me as along as even ONE person thinks what we're saying is true. Fuck the crowd. Giving back to the people who actually appreciate us is what I care about now. So thank you punk rock, thank you people who support us, and I'll see you with another article in some future time.
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