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Obbsessed and proud

East Coast Life

!Run It Ovr

I know im obbsessed cuz...
1. My mom noes all the lyrics to all GC songs.
2. I wear my GC shirt 3 times a week.
3. Wen i cant find my GC cd's i cry.
4. I have a shrine dedicated to them.
5. Wen i say my prays i inclued them.
6. On all the tags of my clothing i wrote "GC".
7. Wen i culdnt get the tickets for the GC concert i cried evr night for 3 days.
8. My dad has a name for each GC member.
9. I have good charlotte days.
10. I know evr song word by word.
11. My friends ask me "and can u plz not give me another lecture about good charlotte again?".
12. Most of my friends r GC freak also.
13. I dream about them.
14. When i hear certain songs frum them i cry cuz the lyrics.
15. I named my shoes after each member of GC.
16. I own "benji pants"
17. I have artwork inspired by them.
18. I wrote a rap about them...keep in mind im white so the rap isnt good....
19. Personaly i think there should be a Good Charlotte video game were u can kill avril...
20.I got my friends into GC.
21. My dad actually likes GC and he is a metal head
22.everytime my family members or friends here a GC song they tell me that they thought of me.

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