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The oXXy Moron's Have Arrived!
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JAN 24th

Hello my anarchist cult followers..... or groupies what ever fits best...

The OXMS plan on kicking the Common Ground in the ass on Feb 15th, come and show your support or DIE.... Directions

You should all print out the flyer and send them to your grandmas because we want this show to be big, bring your mother and your mothers fathers sisters roommates....

Theres more coming soon, and im not just saying it this time.... -OXMS

Nov 26th

Hey dudes and Dudets, Owen here with a long overdue update to the site. As you can see we have added some new pics to the pix section, check them out when you have a chance.

Major news, we will NOT be playing this Saturday, the 30th at the Common Ground. Sorry to say that scheduling conflicts arose, but fear not we will return soon. Another thing to note is that the Poinciana high School Battle of the bands, scheduled to take place on Dec 7th, has been postponed, :( another disappointment.

We are planning on playing in it, when they reschedule it for sometime in Jan. Sorry for all the cancelations, just see it as a chance for us to get better for our next gig :)


 NOV 16th

Hello OXMS fans, sorry about the lack of site updating lately, but im BACK!

Let me see, whats new lately....

Austin Quinn will be temporarily filling in for us as a bassist until we find a more permanent one, hopefully soon, so big thats to AQ.

Also we will be opening for Addison White and the Preliminary Finalists on NOV 30th, at the Common Ground, that should be an interesting GIG.

The OXMS will also be playing at the Poinciana High school Battle of the Bands on Dec 7th, this one is gonna be big folks, lets show the world what the OHMS can do...


Oct 20th

It's official! The OXMS are now a three piece, but hopefully not for long, we are now in the process of searching for a bassist, so if you or anyone you know wants an audition, send us an email:

The Common Ground gig went real well last night, with a few songs aside, we did a good job for our fist gig. You can listen to the better songs on the music page.

Hope to see you around... -Owen, OXMS!!

Oct 1

Hey this is Owen your webmaster lead singer and dude with no life just trying to update you on the latest with the OXMS.

First off we have a couple dates for you to put on your calendar.

October 19th we will be playing at the Common Ground in Haines city, if you need help getting there you can email me for directions.

Jordan and me will also be playing the 17th at the Common Ground promoting the show and doing an acoustic set.

Speaking of acoustic shtuff... yes I misspelled it I know... The OXMS will no longer be playing acoustic songs together, we have decided to focus more on the punk songs. Me and Jordan however will be playing acoustic sets at gigs so look out for us.

Another thing to keep in mind is the Battle of the Bands we will be participating in, in November at Poinciana High School. Look back here for more info on that.