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Fuck You Too
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

They sent me back to that location again today. I told Janet how I felt but she said she really needed me to be there because I'm good at dealing with the humidity inside the Tyvek suits and respirators while still being able to work at an almost normal speed. i said fine. I'm a good sport like that, I'll tough it out.

I ended up going home at 11:30 though. They had two other girls in two clean while standing on scaffolding but they couldn't do it because they were afraid of heights. I'm terrified of hieghts aswell but I really wanted to get the job done and I can't do any ground work until the scaffolding work is done because they'd just be knocking asbestos onto my clean floor the next day. So I tried to get up there and work, but I just could get any highing than 20ft before I started to get dizzy and shake. So I had leave with the other girls. I felt really bad but there's nothing I can do. My body just wouldn't let me go any higher. I become paralized with fear.

They didn't even tell me I'd have to be working on scaffolding this morning when they sent me back to that location. It would of saved everyone a whole lot of time if they'd of mentioned how high up we were going to be. We could of found two or three men who could go up there (I say men because the harnesses were really lose on us women, it was dangerous) and send us some place different. Then everyone would be happy and productive.

I put up with a lot of things and just push trough my mental and physical pain because I really do enjoy my job. I don't care that I come home covered in cuts and bruises because I enjoy helping people. I find it to be very rewarding. Plus, it's may be a dirty and disgusting job that not many people would do even if they weren't getting paid as little as I do but SOMEBODY has to do it. Disasters don't just fix themselves.

Posted by punk4/punky_kittenx at 12:01 AM EDT
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