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Fuck You Too
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
And On A Lighter Note...My Tattoo Experience
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Anger- Skinny Puppy
Well, I've mentioned my tattoo so ya'll know I finally got it so I'll just share my experience and what I think about it and not my co-workers pissing me off about it :p

I was scared to death just booking the appointment so I figured the day of my appointment I was either going to A.) Chicken out and not show up B.) Get to Stigmata, have my named called, and then run out the door screaming or C.) Cry in the chair.

Well, I got to Stigmata, Chad was there so I knew he wasn't gonna let me run out. So there I sat in the waiting area all nervous and sweaty palmed. I could hear the buzzing of a tattoo gun. Really set me on edge, those things sound like wasps. I've tangoed with a wasp twice and both times I ended up in the hospital so you can see why buzzing would make me uneasy...luckily I'd brought my Mp3 player, so I could just lose myself in a really loud song if need be.

When I get to the tattooing area he cleans off my back, he hands were really freakin' cold and it tickled like a sonofabitch so I had a mini giggle-fit that kind put me at ease a bit. He goes to put the stencil on but my pants were too high. Chad tried to fold my pants but I just got tired of it and said "Here!" and yanked my pants down so I was all plumber-crack chic :p.

When I finally got the stencil put on and sat down in the chair I got the fucking jitters like you wouldn't believe. I didn't look in the mirror but I'm sure my face must have been white as a sheet because I could just feel the blood draining.

---First line, here we go----

That's IT?! I've been panicking for a fucking month because of THAT?! It was an annoying scratching feeling. I couldn't believe I'd gotten myself so worked up over it. Steve asked me how it felt and I said "Pretty annoying." and it was annoying, I felt like smacking him and saying bugger off. LoL

The whole thing took about 30mins. I turned off my walkman as I got used to the buzzing nose and then I got really relaxed and went in and out of a nap. Parts of the top lettering stung a bit but it was no worse than the scratches I've gotten from work, or play fighting with a cat. I didn't cry like I thought I would, I just said "Ow, that sucks". Parts of the bottom lettering actually tickled a bit. I had to try really hard to not to laugh so I wouldn't screw up his work.

When I got out of the chair to have him show me it in the mirror I almost fell down because my legs had fallen asleep. Chad and Steve both laughed at me. I got Chad to take a picture of the finished tatto and then Steve put a bandgage over it. (Still had cold hands, tickled like a sonofabitch *again*).

It was overall an enjoyable experience. Steve seems like a nice guy and he does good work. I'm looking forward to having him do more work on me now that I'm not petrified of getting inked. (Don't worry you guys, I'm not going to go nuts and look like a biker chick . . .unless I become a rockstart..but when's that going to happen, really?)


I think the worst part of the whole tattoo process is taking the bandage off. I screamed like a little girl and swore a blue streak when Chad took it off. It was an unexpected back wax that I didn't ask for.

It's still healing right now, it is tender and it's started to itch today. I would love to take my nails and just scratch the fuck out of it but I can't, I have to settle for slapping it with a ruler which is nowhere near as effective. Also, having to wear my pants low makes me look ridiculous but it's shockingly more comfortable than wearing them normal...not that I'm going to make a habit out of it in the future.

"A genuine tattoo.... tells a story. I like stories and tattoos, no matter how well done, and if they don't tell a story that involves you emotionally, then they're just there for decoration, then they're not a valid tattoo. There has to be some emotional appeal or they're not, to my way of thinking, a real tattoo. It tells people what you are and what you believe in, so there's no mistakes."

Posted by punk4/punky_kittenx at 8:05 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, October 6, 2005 2:15 PM EDT
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