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Fuck You Too
Friday, October 7, 2005
I Am SO Bored
Mood:  lazy
Yup, I was right. I'm bored to tears today. I can't go outside because the sunlight gives me a headache, can't sketch because my fingers are fucked up, my head is to foggy to do any creative writing.

It pisses me off because Thursday and Friday I wanted to work on some sketches for Chad's tattoo. I'd really like to re-sketch the chromatic dragon now that I've gotten his imput on the original sketch. Just change the pose and reference some Monster Manual books for the kind of horns Chad would like the dragon to have. It's fucking cake, but I still can't do it because I'm so used to doing certain shapes with my left hand. I like to draw with both my hands, it turns out much better that way. Oh well.

I can't wait for the swelling to go down. I can't zip my zippers or open a can of 7up for myself and it's just friggin' annoying to have to get someone to do something that simple for you because you have the stupidest minor injury ever.

I hate being on comp in general because I always make fun of Chad's co-worker "Churchy McBible" because he's always off on comp because 'his back hurts'. HA! Fuck you, buddy! My back hurts all the fucking time. At least you're getting paid $22.00PH, I get paid $9.00PH for doing more back-breaking labour and gross disgusting shit than you do. If you're going to be doing manual labour 40 hours a week that's just a fact of life. If you're a labourer and you don't come home most days with your back hurtin', you haven't be doing your job right.

"Grasp your opportunities, no matter how poor your health; nothing is worse for your health than boredom." ~Mignon McLaughlin

Posted by punk4/punky_kittenx at 1:23 PM EDT
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