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Shut down the world

"War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength..."

"Bored? Fatigued? Depressed? Why not try Revolution! Studies show that smashing a state and capitalism is the best and most healthy alternative to wage slavery and living in fear ever created. Why, when givin the choice of living in freedom and peace, or living in the corporate fascist plutocracy that we call America, almost 100% of people asked were overwhelminly in favor of anarchy... Peace Freedom Anarchy"................................................."Fuck the Wall Street brokers. Self styled masters of the universe, Micheal Douglas, Gordan Geko wanna be motherfuckers, figuring out new ways to rob the hard working man blind. Send those Enron assholes to jail for fucking life. Do you think Bush and Chaney didn't know about that shit? Give me a fucking break...".............................................. "I hate the fact that it's cool to be black these days. I hate this hip hop influence on white fuckin' suburbia. We're here tonight cause we got immigration problems spiralling out of control. We got Asians up the ass...taking over our land with their fucking Yen. Mexicans...flocking in to this place like some giant fucking Pinata was shattered. Don't laugh. It's tragic. On the Statue of Liberty it says "Give me your tired, your hungry, your poor,your huddled masses...yearning to be free."It does not say give me your shiftless, your greedy, your indolent,your criminals, looking for a freeticket. We're here tonight to show the government how we feel about minorities taking over our country.They treat us like criminals while they reward them with jobs and fucking welfare checks. And it's only getting worse. Are you ready to do something about it?"

Fuck me Fuck you Fuck off...