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May 12, 2003

Hey out there all you computer users…get a life!! No, I’m just kidding, really. So, here’s the low down on SLS: Casey’s surgery seems to be a success, and he’s on his way to a speedy recovery. We’re still practicing day and night, and there seems to be no end to Lance’s song writing and creative genius. Other than that, not much else has changed. Oh, and SIGN OUR GUESTBOOK, it’s really cool. Ok, so it’s not that cool, but do it, or e-mail or call us or stop by or whatever you feel like doing.


In recent news, we've been talking with the Green Door about playing there, so clear your calendars for a show soon. Also, we're switching up our lineup: Chris is now gonna play lead guitar (AND sing, so everyone acknowledge his musical genius right now...) while Steffan Vanzant hits around on the bass. We've got a BUNCH of songs ready other than the ones on "Picks Up the Pieces" too, such as Duck and Cover, Crash Inside, and Better Off Dead, just to name a few. So, until we get around to updating this again, peace.


Hey kids. Thanks to everyone for signing the guestbook and everything. We really appreciate that. Also, thanks to everyone who has said great things about the demo. We didn't expect to get that kind of a response, but we love it none the less. As for right now, we're workin on tryin to book shows, but we only have a small window of time to play in. Casey, our lead guitarist, is getting surgery on his fretting hand. His pinky is goofy, and has been since he was born. He can't use it when playing the geetar. He doesn't have to get the surgery... he's just getting it done for the band. (Everyone give it up for Casey, cause thats freakin bad ass.) Anywho... he'll have the surgery on May 5th and we'll be playing shows when he's rehabilitated. =) Thanks for your support everyone.

- SxLxS
