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Email us if you have any ideas for covers for the battle of the bands because we dont know what to do!
we are unprepared...
ok VISIT gen0cides WEBSITE!!
ok listen for one gen0cide and ThisSideWednesday are not racist..and we dont hate anyone..we only have problems with people that have problems with us..and if your gonna say we suck and genocide sucks well thats fine you have your own opinion..and dont put that we are racist cause thats just stupid..if you have a problem email us
to every one that saw us at the show thanks alot for your support. some people didnt enjoy our set basically .. shoe gang well apparently theve been cracking on us while every one else has said we played a decent set... as for me i enjoyed shoe gangs set i think they played well and if we played bad i think i would know.. i started this band so i could do sumthing with myself and hav fun not to get cracked on from white plains "punks" but whatever i think every 1 got off on the wrong foot.. as for the band we arent racist we r just regular guys just some people get uh agrevated some times and say things they shouldnt... as for the show i hope we will be ready and we would appreciate it if u emailed the band about what covers we should do thanx...
Ps dont fuck with us
this is bored soo i tryed to update this but i have nothing to talk about... the demo is in the process of making and ill tell you theres one thing in this world that i hate that is itll probably be released in janurary..and songs will be placed on so check back for updates!
We were at the high volatage tour this past summer, and we had kick ass time. we hope to be playing soon again. So please keep checking up on our shows, which will be updating soon.
ok heres the deal the battle of the bands is coming up in like late jan and early feb so we gotta get ready...we'll be playing with our fellow friends in guys -later