I SURRENDER! A Roam Fan Page
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Roam at Taylor's

Taylor's Place was a shitty little bar where the drinks were too expensive, the cover was high, and the crowds were small. In spite of all this, Roam managed to have some good shows and gained a few die-hard fans.

They Want Your Salvation

Hell, I'd give it to them, wouldn't you? Salvation's overrated anyway. This was a really slow night at the bar and so most of the crowd consisted of the people who are always at Roam shows. It was one of the only times that Roam played with friends Chrysalis (now known as The Maria Royalty).

Absolutely Delectable

Mmmm. Local bands have never looked so good. Sometimes I think that it's worth going to a show just to see Bryce take his shirt off. You can't really tell, but before this show, Bryce had a couple drinks before he got there and managed to get himself pretty drunk. He played most of the show lying on his back, squirming around on the floor. It was hilarious.

Punk Has Never Looked So Good

This is one of my favorite pictures of Brant. That night was pretty crowded cause it was The Battle of the Bands. I was rolling all over the ground and climbing up on top of tables trying to get some decent shots of the guys. Good thing I don't get embarrassed easily. The rest of the line-up sucked hardcore that night. They were up against some band that only did covers. But the bartender was cool...

Everybody Always Loves the Drummer

This was one of the few pictures I managed to get of Jerrmey from Roam's early days. The bare feet are the best! I was nearly killed getting this pic, too. Brant was being his normal(?!?) energetic self and I was trying to get around and behind him. I almost got a Con to the head. Good thing he's got quick reflexes.

Heaven and a 'Hawk

This is definetely my favorite picture of Evan. He looked so hot that night. There weren't too many people there, so he wasn't being anything but laid back, as I'm sure you can tell.I love the cigarette hanging out of his mouth, too. Typical Evan. When he smokes during a song like this, he doesn't flick the ashes until they fall off on their own.