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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Thursday, 11 December 2003

today today today~ lesson was good.. chapel was great.. lecturer is cool.. everyone is doing alright~ so am i!

butta.. had headache e past few days.. probably of all e drenched a couple of times.. arrgh.. man~ but itz alright...

was in church e whole noon till evening..cuz of zone prayer meeting.. then a kind soul came down early to entertain me MAui~ (hee..thanks dude!) and also got a prezzie from him... for dunno how long he owe me..hur hur hur.. from e 2 of us in cafe become a NS men gathering...!! hmp! wad else?! they'l only talk about NS stuff.. which i've heard so so so much about it.. kinda like part of my lesson in sch..haa.. well.. but itz quite interesting to hear all these when i'l never have a chance to experience it myself..

hmmm.. been feeling a lot these few days.. about wad? also dunno haa.. mixture of almost everything.. especially leadership....freNz.....future.......

wiLL i ever do a gOOd job?
wIll i ever giVe up?
wIll i ever feEl tired?
wiLL i cOmproMised?

i Noe all these will come when i feel like giving up, worn up or even did e lousiest job around..even attacks come from both sides..even if i gotta stand alone, even when people lost hope in me.. i noe God is still there for me....

bEcuZ HE hAd cALled me
HE'l neVEr leaVe me
bEcuz HE trUSt in mE
tAts whY i hAve it
bEcUZ i Love HIM
and So i'M gONNa dO it!

wAds mORe? I've coME tOO fAr tO gIVe uP nOW.....

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:34 PM WST
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