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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Tuesday, 16 December 2003
wOw.. yesTerDay wAs d eND of mY SOT liFe.. feEl a loT toDay aS i wOke up~ liFe is different.. itz never gonna be the same again..

SOT life is tougher than i thot.. but itz definately fun going thru all when u have good frenz around to support.. when im down and out..

A new phase has begun~ Start my new phase spending time with my so called gOOd frenz who see me thru e tougher times in SOT.. hee..
Bought 3 rings.. signifieds
"Ze Fellowship Of Ze Ring!!" yeah! was hanging out at e hotel room and by e pool side.. wonderful time together.. did loads of crap stuff.. u wouldn't wan to know.. haa..

Came across this article which is wad i feel i myself should pray~

"O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as TO be understood, as TO be loved, as TO love; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is dying that we are born to eternal life."

Have a good fren tat was not feeling so good when he got posted to a unit.. things have make him feel discourage.. am glad tat i manage to calm him down and most importantly make him feel im there for him..not in distant but thru my cares and concerns.. At e same time as i sow encouragement in his life..i reap tat back as well.. e reply tat he make realy touches my heart.. didn't know i mean tat much to him..wan to be e encourager in his life~ So realy Thank God for blessing our frenship... often I always pray to God in blessing e frenship i have and yes HE did!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:32 AM WST
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Thursday, 18 December 2003 - 2:38 AM WST

Name: !?FAY!?

We are standing at the crossroads
And now it's time
For you to go your way
And me to go mine
I will pray the Lord
Will keep you safe
Until the day I see your face again

My friend
We have been through so much
And you have been my Godsend
With your sure and steady love
My friend
You know I will be there
If you ever need
'Cause you've always
Been a friend to me

I may travel the world over
But one thing I know for sure
One day this road will lead me
Back 'round to your door
I will pray the Lord
Will keep you safe
Some bonds are just too strong
To break in the end

Nothing will change the way
I feel about you
Not the miles or the years
Or the place this life takes me to

frm: Plus One (MY Fren)

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