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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Saturday, 3 January 2004

wOO~ jus came back from my morning jog.. itz great to jog in e morning where itz still dark, air is fresh, birds chirping, most importantly people are still sleeping.. haa.. am resting now.. *obviously* hur hur .. catching more oxygen now~ guess i muz bring an inhaler wid me e next time.. feels terrible when out of breath~ -_-''

goNna go back to rest den ready to go PARTY! haa.. not actually.. shopping i would say~ *chEErZ*

oH yeah peeps! look to e left panel, under FUNLINKS where it says MY TEST.. found it? click on it and it'l bring u to do a test set by me regarding how well u noe about me! heh heh.. enjoy doing it! whahaha~

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 7:39 AM WST
Updated: Saturday, 3 January 2004 8:48 AM WST
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Saturday, 3 January 2004 - 11:52 PM WST


Lol ur dearest cousin scored a 50...that doesnt prove anything does it? Tricky questions eh! I still know you alot k! *grmmph* dun like this test...i shal set one for u to try! -cyn-

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