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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Tuesday, 20 April 2004
BlinK BliNg
Heh Heh.. iM Back!!
YEah Rite! Haven't been updating tis poor blog.. but here i am.. coz tis webby has been down e previous time when i wanna log in..

Pretty much to update about.. starting from??

School- life has been pretty alright there.. nice bunch of people.. but but! of cuz there's some tat are getting on my nerves.. teachers are jus like frenz to me ~_~ will go for lunch together.. in a sense they are jus like a leader to me. Cool eh?

Generally i'll be doing fine without all the stress, homeworks, problems contributed by people, back-bitting, backstabbin!! haa.. & so u'l noe my current state bah..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:16 PM JST
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