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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Sunday, 25 April 2004
HaPPie BiRthdaY!
Wow.. had a great time with Faith and gang.. celebrated fay's bdae. Was fun! Hmm.. guess the most fruitful part is when everyone left. haa.. Wow.. itz realy good.. she gave a speech jus to me.. am so touched and we both jus cried.. gosh! A memorable day! hmm. .. half way thru our speech den came ming xuan kinda spoiled e atmosphere.. haa.. but thank GOd will almost finished wad we wanna say ler..

anywae jus now got a msg from yangyit.. was so encouyraged! He told me i led e Cg well and God's presense was strong.. wow! thats one thing i would love to know! Wow being able to lead ppl into His presense.. Praise God!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:30 AM JST
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Sunday, 25 April 2004 - 12:09 PM JST

Name: Gracie Grace
Home Page:

HAha... sounds fun yea... too bad I din join u all... Maybe next time bah... Wah... u're leading a cell... keke... Cool man.. Shall see ya preach one day.... Take care gurl!

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