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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Friday, 7 May 2004

iTz been a rollercoaster ride for e past few days or maybe weeks? yUp.. well naturally i don't enjoy those rides.. what more when it comes to talkin bout real life?

Upz & Downz.. feel like puking haa.. Oh well.. there's alwiZ a sense of relief when e whole ride is over..BUT! To some they might feel e hangover from e i alwiz do, the aftermath of the whole adventure..

Thru out the whole ride at least i noe im not alone.. Thanks for the person who has been with me, supporting me, giving me the courage to hang on. YupYup~ iTz an adventure we'l embark in together..

Of cUZ peoPle around me that have been showing me the support.. Maui especially!
my bEst fWen~ who silently giving me e strength and prayers..

ThaNk yOu PeePs~

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 2:48 PM JST
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