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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Sunday, 6 June 2004

Wk has been tremedously bless by the Emerge Conference.. loads of revelations and so full of God's presence.. to be honest, i may not remember the sermon Pst Kong preached word by word but what i can remember is that God is there in e midst and HIs presence is indeed strong and tangible.

ITz realy quite a big thing to miss this conference. Every year it jus go from glory to glory compared to last yr. Especially the Praise & Worship! Exuberant praise, heart felt worship. Thats the phrase i alwiz tell my members. ~.~

Itz been a very tiring wk.. busy with cg stuff. Lotsa of counselling and discipling sessions with e members. Was fruitful indeed and especially thank God for His anointing to do it. Yup itz not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God! PRay that everyone of us is not gonna jus stay impacted by be totally transformed and stepped out to make a difference! Amen!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:18 AM JST
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