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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Sunday, 3 August 2003
Today's my last Cg meeting with W158.. Cg today move in a very supernatural way.. which my leader wanna leave inside my heart even thou i'm out but will always remember W158 is special to me..and it is very special to me.. quite a emotional one for me at the end of e meeting when i shared how i felt..

No doubt i'm turning to a new page of my life story but e previous page they will be written down and make a difference in my life.. Now i'm into a new season, new people, new enviroment, new ground to conquer! I'm going to move in faith and trust in God to lead me thru...

& Thanks for my frenZ concern and encouragement..QQ

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 12:36 AM JST
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Sunday, 3 August 2003 - 12:50 AM JST

Name: BuMbLe BeE

hey, dun be sad.. keep on writin a good book for Christ like how i said durin my b'dae speech.. wanna be a camera for God to use, even how i feel uneasy i knw God will be the one that keep me in focus. I truly believe that ur moving on means that God wan u to step out in faith and step out of ur comfort zone. of coz will be sad but life goes on, like wat Pst Kong say "Jesus carry on walking". He never stop walking so our emotions shouldn't stop us from walking in the will of God. Jus take it as a new level God place in u..

Juz have to remember the special time u share wif them cos i had many special times wif many people too but i knw frenship dun juz end when not in the same cg, i feel frenship juz started when u guys are not the same cg cos it will take efforts to meet up and keep in contact..

God is rising u up and i knw u can rise to the occasion cos God is wif u.. take careZ..

Sunday, 3 August 2003 - 1:36 AM JST

Name: A. Bob
Home Page:

It must have been an emotional time rite? At least u can see how much ur cell group really means to you.. yeah.. n to know that ur cell members will alwaise miss you. At least you've got special n sweet memories of them packed along to your new cell group... yupyup..

I was transferred out from my cell b4.. yeah.. i was pretty sad about it.. coz leaving my band of brothers.. haha.. yeah.. ben, kun, jia those guys... but 1 of the cell members actually brought something to my realization.. he said, " God has chosen you and not me" I was like.. wah... i've been chosen out of the brothers to assist my new cell group.. yeah... so it's a good thing too!

Go on into God's purpose, God's chosen 1 :)


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