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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Sunday, 17 October 2004
aDvancE bIrthDay cElebRation
YesTerdAy was one of e best day i eva had this year..

Thought it was jus an ordinary cg meeting.. but ended up in lotsa surprises.. like Kindle Surprise chocolate.. haa.. *lame*

YupyuP.. kinda hard for me to put into words about e whole event.. but im sure as long as i could remember.. i'l never forget my 19th birthday celebration with E337!

Evening had dinner with a couple of gd frens.. Fish & Co glass house.. fruitful fellowship.. nice gathering.. oh well everythings nice la.. hee..

Oh weLl.. in jus less than 2 days.. i'm really stepping into e full 19 years of my existence in e world.. pRetty cOOl... buT im getting old.. hiakz..

aLrightz.. am tired now.. signing off to Lala land

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:57 PM JST
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