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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Wednesday, 22 October 2003
Arrgh!! As it getting closer and closer to end of sch term.. felt tis heaviness within me.. kinda like at e crossroad whereby i gotta make a choice between Diploma in Theology or my O level.. it hard! Without an Os i can't hardly do anything in the private sector.. going on to Yr 2 will only get me a dip in theology and it not recognise.. but it reali sacrificing my own desire and seek God's.. BUT Why i jus can't get tat revelation whereby my Future is in God's hands??..Believing and trustin in Him tat it will shine eva brighter?? Itz easy to say then to actually believe.. When God called me to go for SOt I dun think He's gonna leave me now hanging in e midst of nowhere.. i noe God wans me to continue for e 2nd yr but.. there's jus so many buts! It requires my entire yr, finance, and the understandin of my family members.. It requires at least $500 to sustain me for a month.. my mom and sis doesn't understand y am i going for tis course..It not easy for me to actually fight for wad i want.. it very tiring~ I'm very tired...very tired..

After praying.. now i felt much much much better.. I'm still gonna go for God in persuing yr 2.. i noe God is gonna work miracles for me.. specially next wk! BEcuz He said so! It will be a yr where my dreams will be fulfilled..God reminds me what He did for me in my 1st yr..deeper relationship with Him, greater understanding of Him and becoming Youth CGL which i always tot it impossible but God prove the impossible possible in my life & what good things will e Father withold from His children??

2004 is gonna be great! God will make a way! Faith and Trust always work hand in hand.. I'm gonna excerise my faith and trust in God!!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 10:51 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 22 October 2003 11:26 PM JST
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Thursday, 23 October 2003 - 12:46 PM JST

Name: Bobbly Bob

Pastor Tan once said something like tis, if you can't see His Hands, know that you can trust His Heart. When we don't see God moving the way we want we tend to get discouraged, but lean not on ur own understanding but He's, know that as we are faithful to Him, He will be faithful to us. Keep on believing yeah? I'm also learning to believe in Him even more, let's do it together :)

Thursday, 23 October 2003 - 5:52 PM JST

Name: Brian

I tink prayer really can unlock alot of things, it's e answer to our decision.. we can see tat when we prayed for e mission team and things really happen tat and then..
Actually there are no correct or wrong decision, we made tat certain decision when we knw tat God is in it. To have God agreeing and walking wif us in tat decision is e best assurance we can ever get so i believe when u make e decision to go for second year, God will not withhold His blessing upon u as u obey His calling..

I'm oso praying abt goin into second year too.. e issue nw is oso financial so really pray tat God will open doors for us.. i oso believe tat when faith and trust work together, we will be able to see things tat are impossible for us last time to be possible nw wif God..

Let's continue to believe in God..

Saturday, 25 October 2003 - 11:37 PM WST

Name: JueWai FAITH

!@!@Every dreamer experiences a time when things aren't moving,
When progress is bogged down.
!@!@I believe that God allows this to happen to prepare us to receive success with profound gratitude and true humility!I

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