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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Monday, 3 November 2003

*Sigh* weekdays again~ tat means i gotta continue with my studies for my re-exam... fell asleep while studying for it...hur hur hur

mY heart keeps floating back to weekends...arrhh..hee.. but itz quite fun thou.. watch UPTOWN GIRL not as nice as i thot.. almost fell asleep.. lite hearted show.. not suitable to watch it with a bunch of frenz.. mebbe 1 or 2? Oh dear i realise i kept falling asleep while watching show or some'n .. fell asleep while watch'n matrix yest..haa.. become'n a "OEI OEI" impartation my "BIG BEAR"...hur hur

well well..gonna dive myself into my noteZ again!!

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:37 AM WST
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Wednesday, 5 November 2003 - 12:04 AM WST

Name: ur dearest sis n fren

hi my dear,
ive left a mess for u in ur icq.
I went thru dry times in Bible Sch too..but all of such is a passing season..
there are seasons n every will pass..jus press thru.
Wadeva decision u make, mk it prayerfully and u mus rem ur days ve been crafted into God's perfect plan. Dun lose sight of wad is eternal ok.
I ve a j.c fren whose sister n cousin both died in a recent car crash in Perth..things r i feel we must all mk decisions in life that ve eternal positiv consequences..
pursue accordg to ur heart n wad u kno is God's best..believin wif u darlin! *muaks*

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