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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Monday, 24 November 2003
mISs bRoken
....beGin to reaLise.. hoW nOt easY to be a leader .. when so many souls are under ur care and gotta make sure everyone are doing fine.. & OF CUZ ATTENDANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wAd a SundaY foR me.. a WeT one thOu.. maNy haV seEn e sIDe of mE wheRe theY doN't usuaLly see iT.. a Bit marU.. huR huR.. bUt wAs enCouraGe by loAds of pEople.. a Fren in neEd is a Fren inDeed.. thaNk God i'Ve fOund tRue frEns whO r alWays theRe to giVe mE sUport whEn i NeedEd one.. weLL riTe nOW am OKay liAoz.. all theSe challengeS are to prePare me for e Giants ahead!!! cOMe waD maY~~

hMM...sOmetImes alSo felT vEry tirEd to mAintain a freNshiP..wAs thInkinG y aM i alwAys e One maKing e efFort tO cLose up e gAp wHich is lost whEn theRe's no feLLowsHip.. alWays e one maKing efforT to msG enCouRagIng smseS, alwAys e One plaNnIng fOR ouTings, aLWayS e oNE maKing Sure thEy arE alrIght.. in tUrns i geT coLD reSponse.. oR evEn no rEplyS...vEry tiRed~ waS thInkinG prObaBly I sHould stOp doIng all thEse.. iF thats reAly e Case i seE nO poInt in It.. or pRobably thEy see it tOO oftEn and taKE othErs foR gRanteD.. hAiz..I reAlise soMetimEs gOOd fRen dO reAly tAKe eacH otHer foR gRanted unTil whEn e PerSon has sLowly slIp awAy then thEy realise tHEir prEsence is Not thEre.. noT aPPrecIAting onE anOther.. fEel liKE tats wAd haPPeniNg to mE.. i'vE alwAys taKe theM as mY gD fRenz..bUT wHEn i nEeded thEm.. i feEl tat i cAN't juS piCk up e pHoNE & caLL thEM..hAIz... everYone's goIng thRu diFFerent phraSes in lifE, proBably wOn't uNDerstaNd eiTher.. mEbbE i dOn'T unDerstaNd thEm toO.. weLL juS leAve it as it is.. inTo GoD's hAnd i cOmmiT..

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 1:24 AM WST
Updated: Monday, 24 November 2003 10:32 PM WST
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