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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Tuesday, 2 December 2003
wOo HoO~
BleSSings BlesSIngS!! e Law of AbunDance is hAppeniNg to Me!! YaY~ reCeived a BIg Big BleSSing frOm my MummY tOdaY!! wOw.. mY gOOdnEss!! GOd is sUper Good! I've Got LoaDs of bLeSSing fOr tIS moNth..

gOt a PumA sPorts Bag whiCh I alwAys wAnted vEry bAdly... (blessing from my dad)

gOT a New pAir of SHoes.. alSo wAd i waNted (blessing from my dad)

a tOp frOM "zara" (bleSSing from my sis)

waD couLd be beTTa thaN CASH blESSING ???? haa..(blessing from my mummy) moRe thAN enUff to buY a skater sneaker from Flash N Splash and a levis jeans.. wow!! aBOve aLL i NOe itZ GOd tat is Moving thrU theM haa......

PraiSe God & tHaNk God!! *mUAcKz*

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 5:16 PM WST
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