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~*...ZaC's ThoUgHtS...*~
Saturday, 6 December 2003
my dAy joUrnAl...
today had a great time at CG.. i took on e whOle CG meeting myself.. nervous of cuz but thank God for SOt cuZ kiNDa like beIng tRained up foR tiS..

hAd a sHort meeting.. then went to d arcade then BBq dinner.. was fun... then i end my day at ORCHARD..agAIn!! foR e 5th time tis wk alone..

yesT wAs a biT sAd foR me.. cuZ didN't manage to buY my skater shoe... dOn't haVe my Size..aiYah~
weNt ouT wit my SOt scH mAte.. had dim sum buffet.. waS gRossed oUt in d end.. haa.. thEn meT up wiTh my Knight! huR huR.. wAtch an OutdOOR coNCert.. wAS GoooooD.. buT kiNDa liKe too SOulish untiL im in a daZe after tat.. haa.. & yeS noT to mentioN my FriEndstEr.. a freN wrOte a suPEr lONg teStimOnial foR me!! (Maui if U hAppeNed to reAd tiS..ThANk U!! lOVe uR teSti!! hAA.. )

tAts aLL foLks! (o''o)

Posted by punk4/zac0 at 11:38 PM WST
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